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About Job Mwancha

Job Mwancha My name is Job Mwancha, Kenyan by birth and founder of Kizazi Training Centre a private non-political, non-profitable organization created in 2008 to respond current need for Kenyan people in order to sustained and strengthen and promote human right culture, peace building, and good governance initiatives. KIZAZI TRAINING CENTRE came to light by indigenous professionals live in the country and Diaspora to engage protection on human rights, humanitarian issues, developments and Capacity Buildings with action research which based on participatory approach by all the levels of the community on their priorities for the future through PACT. We are envisioned to provide an educated, empowered society that creates opportunities and opens the available opportunities to the society. We are equally emissioned in Working togetherness for socio- economic development to the target societies through the strengthening their capacity and the implementation of the programs and humanitarian and protection interventions with participatory approach to all levels of community to defeat poverty, ignorance and reach prosperous with stability and protective environment.
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Diaspora Social Network, african diaspora, diasporaengager