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About Shabaka Nzinga Imhotep

Shabaka Nzinga Imhotep I want to unite with other Africans and create Black Power. What is Black Power? Black Power is the African Race having complete ownership and control of all aspects of our existence. (The word, "African," refers to all Black people, everywhere on planet earth. All Black people are Africans! This includes Africans born and raised in the United States of America and elsewhere outside Africa. If you are Black, you are African; even if you are screaming, "I ain't no African!") We choose to have ownership and control in all eleven areas of human activity: 1) Economics, 2) Education, 3) Entertainment, 4) Health, 5) Labor, 6) Law, 7) Politics, 8) Religion, 9) Sex, 10) Spirituality, and 11) War and Counter-War. Black Power includes African ownership and control of land, natural resources, food production; and, the water sources for that food production. We choose to produce all of our food! We choose to own and control the land on which we produce our food. We choose to own and control the water sources for our food. We choose to produce everything for ourselves -- from food to space ships, and everything in between! We choose this ownership and control in African nations and in any non-African nations in which we reside. This is Black Power! How do you like it? Black Power also includes the complete ownership and control of our MINDS. We choose to control the perceptions we have of ourselves.
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Diaspora Social Network, african diaspora, diasporaengager