About Clement Olivier CODJIA
Clement Olivier CODJIA My name is Clement Olivier CODJIA. I'm from BENIN (a country of West Africa) and i live now in Omaha in USA like Permanent Resident since june 8th, 2014.
I hold a Master of Science in Agricultural Economic (Agronomist Engineer Degree) obtained at University of Abomey Calavi (BENIN) in 2009 and a Bachelor in Agronomic Sciences obtained in the same university in 2008. I have also a High School Diploma obtained with mention Good in 2004 in BENIN.
From February 2010 to May 2011, i worked at first, as Team Leader for socioeconomics data collection of rural household of BENIN, in different institutions such as the Institute of Statistics and Economic Analysis (INSAE) and the Instutute for Empirical Research in Political Economy (IREEP), and after as a Research Assistant in the Department of Economics Socioanthropology and Communication of the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences of the Abomey Calavi University.
And from June 2011 to May 2014, i have been a Program Manager in the Regional Union of Producers of Oueme and Plateau (URP-OP) on a project of the Ministry of Agriculture of BENIN financed by the French Development Agency (AFD). Called PADYP, the project in question has worked mainly in the field of Council for agricultural Family farms (CEF). The CEF is an agricultural extension approach developed by the French which aims to strenghten the capacities of farmers and their families based on a comprehensive approach of exploitation.
Furthermore, I also taught courses such as General Economic and Physical Chemistry in Benin's High School from 2007 to 2011.
I master, very well the French (speaking, writing and reading), mediumly the English (speaking, writing and reading) and Fon (mother tongue).
I master the computer tool including Internet, Windows Office (Word, Excel , Power Point and Access) and basic knowledges on the SPSS statistical software.
In the light of my diplomas and professional experiences acquired in my country of origin, I want that DiasporaEngager helps me to succeed here in the USA my integration especially fournissant me information with respect to :
1) The outlook for my professional integration here in the USA in terms of job opportunities and the different requirements to satisfy.
2) Opportunities for me to get a fellowship, a grant, or other funding to do a PhD and to teach at the university or to work in a research institute.
3) The tips and tricks to break linguistic bariere.
Thank you so much.
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