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About Feed Afric Programme

Feed Afric Programme Feed Africa Programme (FAP) is CONCERNED by the rampant poverty, less economic activity, less learning, less growth and general underdevelopment in the Muslim Community coupled with lack of vibrant Muslim Civil Society in Uganda especially in advocacy on policy issues that sometimes affect Muslim Community; NOTING the various capacity gaps of Muslim CBOs/NGOs across the Country and well aware that; there is a wide disparity between urban and rural Muslim CBOs/NGOs. FAP realized lack of active participation in environment, water, commercial agriculture and other civic programmes among others by the Imams and Muslim leaders across the country and yet have large chunks of land laying utilized; FAP NOTED the influx of refugees especially our Muslim brothers and sisters from Somalia who have no enough food stuffs and nutritional needs for themselves and their families as well as sanitation challenges in the camps that they leave in; FAP also NOTED the rampant of all forms child abuse, the inadequate child care center initiatives in Muslim Communities; and AWARE of the many young people who drop out of schools due to different reasons ending up in streets and/ being destitutes and end up as delinquents and THAT, The in existence of Muslim Community Resource Centers; as well as lack of clear development programmes for children, women, elderly and disabled persons in the Muslim Community; Also, prominently NOTED being the rampant un-employment among Muslim Youths, lack of Muslim founded vocational centers to instill life skills among school dropouts, the need to establish this organisation which needs networking and professional voluneers to promote its objectives.
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