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About Kingsley Pereko

Kingsley Pereko KINGSLEY KWADWO ASARE PEREKO LECTURER COMMUNITY MEDICINE EDUCATION Final Year PhD Nutrition Candidate, University of Ghana, Ghana, 2011/2012 till date Postgraduate Diploma in Nutrition and Food Security/HIV/AIDS, Wageningen UR, 2008. MPhil in Nutrition,University of Ghana, Ghana, 2006. BSc Community Nutrition, University for Development Studies, Ghana, 2002. KEY QUALIFICATIONS Mr. Kingsley Pereko has 10 years of experience developing, implementing, managing, monitoring and evaluating and training in nutrition and public health programmes. I had a year experience serving as a Professional Public Health intern with the West African Health Organization. As an intern, I served on the maternal and child survival programme, assisting the development and implementation of evaluation protocols for the Helen Keller International Niger Community Nutrition Therapeutic programme and the multi-micronutrient supplementation for pregnant mother’s follow-up survey. I did also assist in the multistakeholder development of the Niger Nutrition Profile advocacy tool. After the year internship, I served as an acting national health coordinator for the Ghana Red Cross Society. At the Red Cross Ghana, I coordinated various activities such as the maternal and child health programme for the Northern Ghana, HIV/AIDS drop in center programme for commercial sex workers, the Sustainable Change Programme which included malaria control, family planning the real man programme and child nutrition. I also actively participated in various national and international programmes such as the national stakeholder and planning committee meetings for the national immunization programme. I served on the fact finding mission for the International Federation of the Red Cross in Nigeria as a member of the Rapid Disaster Response Team (Health) where we assessed and plan relief and recovery programme for the Bakassi returnees. I currently carry out three basic responsibilities as a lecturer at the Community Medicine Department of the University of Cape Coast Medical School namely lecturing, research and extension services. I deliver lectures in public health, nutrition and gender and health studies. As civil society person, I serve on the Western and Central African Sub-Committee of the Peoples Health Movement that advocate on right to health and also serve as a member of the core team of Peoples Health Movement Ghana. RELEVANT WORK EXPERIENCE 2008 till date, University of Cape Coast, School of Medical Sciences (Nutrition, and Community Medicine).Lecturer. Main responsibilities include lecturing, research, publishing and consultancy in nutrition and public health 2012, NADMO Ghana/ GIZ, Consultant. Main responsibility: Development of Work Place Pandemic Preparedness Training Manual. 2011, URC, USA Main Responsibility: Collect information on organizations working on food and nutrition security programmes in Ghana. 2010, Africare Ghana,Consultant. Main responsibility; conducted a nutrition baseline survey for the Impact project at their cocoa growing communities in the Southern Ghana. Skills acquired; proposal design, team work, project supervision, baseline survey methods, project management, data management and reporting. 2008, International Federation of Red Cross (RDRT/Western and Central Africa).Health delegate. Assessment of health situation of Bakassi returnees’ makeshift camps in Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria. Skills acquired; Team work, emergency needs assessment project design and implementation, interagency collaboration, reporting, international experience, multicultural working experience 2007- 2008, Ghana Red Cross Society, Volunteer Staff (Ag. Health Coordinator) assisted all the GRCS’s health programmes. Responsibilities include proposal writing, planning, implementation, monitoring and reporting on health programmes as well as participation in stakeholders meetings and trainings, Malaria Prevention. Skills acquired; Team work, project design and implementation, interagency collaboration, reporting etc 2007, World Education,Consultant, World Education Ghana’s Shape Project. Assisted in the design of an innovative community-based programme to bring health to the doorstep of households in rural communities and increase health-seeking behaviours of families. Skills acquired, team work, interagency collaboration, proposal development. 2006-2007, West African Health Organization. Intern of the Young Professional Internship Programme. Served on the Nutrition and child survival programme of Helen Keller International, Niamey Niger. Serving with Helen Keller International Niger, I assisted in the preparation of most Nutrition and Child Survival Reports to donners. Prepared protocol, evaluated and reported on HKI Niger Community Nutrition therapeutic programme in the Diffa Region of Niger.Skills acquired included Malaria control, Health Promotion Nutrition and child survival project implementation and management, proposal writing, monitoring and evaluation, training and supervision of data collection and data entry agent, data analysis and reporting, team formation and management, project review and planning. ARTICLES/PUBLICATIONS Pereko K.K.A. (2010): Developing Agriculture with 1 Billion Euros to Improve Food Security and Eradicate Hunger. Essay article. United Academics, The Netherlands. Achampong, E.K and Pereko, K.K.A. (2010).Computer Skills and the Training of Medical Students in a Ghanaian Medical School. eJHI, Vol 5(2): e12. Tiweh, J B M, Pereko, K.K.A and Achampong K, (2010). Home management of diarrhea in children under five at the Savelugu Nanton District of the Northern Ghana. Abstract accepted for the ICUH,2010 conference. (Newyork, USA). Pereko, K.K.A (2009) “Over-nutrition and associated factors in fishing communities in The Urban Cape Coast Metropolis, Ghana ”, Abstract published in the ICUH, 2009 book of abstract, Nairobi Kenya Pereko, K.K.A (2008) Nutritional status of Adolescents in Mixed Public Boarding Schools in the Northern Ghana. Abstract published in Uganda Nutrition Congress book of abstracts (South Africa) Pereko, K.K.A (2005) The consumption of edible oil and fatty foods and lifestyle on body fat mass and blood pressure among adults in the fishing communities in the Cape Coast municipality. Abstract published in FANUS book of abstracts (Ouazarate, Morocco). Pereko, K.K.A, (2005). Have a nutritionally healthy Christmas “Mirror Dec17” Pereko, K.K.A, (2005). Welcome to the land of vegetarians. “October 1” Pereko, K.K.A, (2005). Over coming your obesity problem.“September 25” Pereko, K.K.A, (2005). Make the best out of what you have. ‘’August 13’’ Pereko, K.K.A, (2005). Control your blood pressure. “August 6” Pereko, K.K.A, (2005). Gain right weight during pregnancy. “ June 25” Pereko, K.K.A, (2005). Vegetable salads are good but… “Mirror June 10” Pereko, K.K.A, (2004). Food can make a difference. “”Ghanaian Times February 17” just to mention a few. LANGUAGES Akan native English – Fluent, French -- fluent. REFERENCES Dr. Firibu Kwesi Saalia (PhD),Lecturer, Dept of Nutrition and Food Science, University of Ghana, [email protected], Tel: +233243125566 Dr. Adu-Oppong Ahmed (PhD), Head of Department Community Medicine, University of Cape Coast, School of Medical Sciences, Phone: +233248631020 email: [email protected]
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