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About Gerard Nounagnon Gouwakinnou

Gerard Nounagnon Gouwakinnou Dr. ir. Nounagnon Gerard GOUWAKINNOU E-mail: [email protected], [email protected] Tel: +229 95912254 Date of birth : 20/10/1980 Nationality: Beninese Present status: Lecturer at « Ecole Nationale Superieure d’Aménagement et de Gestion des Aires Protegées ( Forestry and Wildlife School) de Kandi, University of Parakou, Benin Education and Employment __________________________________________________________ 13/09/2011/-ongoing: Research Associate Laboratory of Applied Ecology, University of Abomey-Calavi, Benin 01/10/2013-ongoing: Lecturer at « Ecole Nationale Superieure d’Aménagement et de Gestion des Aires Protegées (ENSAGAP) de Kandi », University of Parakou, Benin 11/2012-12/2013: Associate consultant for the preparation of Benin’s fifth national report to the Convention on Biological Diversity 07/2010-07/2011: Researcher assessing ecological status, threat causes and implementation of conservation measures for Prosopis africana in W Biosphere Reserve in Benin 03/2008-08/2011: PhD student at Faculty of Agronomic Sciences, University of Abomey Calavi PhD thesis: Population Ecology, Uses and Conservation of Sclerocarya birrea (Anacardiaceae) in Benin, West Africa 2001/2007: Graduated in Biology specialization: Agronomy, Forestry and Natural Resources Management, University of Abomey Calavi (Benin) Teaching experience_________________________________________________________________ 01/10/2011-ongoing: Teaching in Faculty and School courses, University of Abomey Calavi and Parakou. Major: Indigenous species-based Agroforestry, Species distribution modelling, Fundamental and applied Ecology, Biodiversity and Natural Resources Conservation. 2013-2014: Dissertation co-supervision of two Master students of University of Abomey Calavi (Benin). Dissertation titles: ‘Socio-cultural importance and impact of climate change on suitable habitats for the miracle berry (Synsepalum dulcificum, Sapotaceae) in Benin’. 2012-2013: Dissertation co-supervision of one Master students of University of Abomey Calavi (Benin) Dissertation title: Modeling habitat distribution of red-bellied monkey (Cercopithecus erythrogaster erythrogaster) in Dahomey gap: implications for the conservation of the threatened species in the context of climate change Languages_________________________________________________________________________ English: fluent French: very fluent (official working language in Benin) Fund-raising experiences_____________________________________________________________ 2013: International Foundation for Science (IFS), Sweden, Grant D/4794-2 2010: Abdou Salam Ouedraogo (ASO) Fellowship for Plant Genetic Resources Conservation. Bioversity International, Rome, Italy. 2010: Rufford Small Grant for Nature Conservation (RSG), UK. 2009: International Foundation for Science (IFS) Grant, Sweden, Grant D/4794-1 Recent Publications________________________________________________________________ • Peer-reviewed journals: Gbesso F.H.G, Tente B.H.A, Gouwakinnou G.N, Sinsin B.A. 2014. Influence des changements climatiques sur la distribution géographique de Chrysophyllum albidum G. Don (Sapotaceae) au Benin. International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences 7(5):2007-2018. Gouwakinnou, G.N. 2013. Using niche modeling to plan conservation of an indigenous tree species under changing climate: example of Sclerocarya birrea in Benin, West Africa. Research and Development in sub-Saharan Africa 5:1-8. Fandohan, B., Gouwakinnou, G.N., Fonton, N.H., Sinsin, B., Liu, J., 2013. Changements climatiques et dynamique spatio-temporelle des aires favorables à la culture et à la conservation des fruitiers sous-utilisés: cas du Tamarinier au Bénin. Biotechnologie, Agronomie, Société et Environnement, 17(3) :450-462 Goussanou, C. A., Assogbadjo, A. E., Gouwakinnou, G. N., Glèlè-Kakaï, R. L., Chakeredza, S., Sinsin, B. 2013. Biomass, root structure and morphological characteristics of the medicinal Sarcocephalus latifolius (Sm) EA Bruce shrub across different ecologies in Benin. QScience Connect 12. Idohou, R., Assogbadjo, A.E., Fandohan, B., Gouwakinnou, G.N., Glèlè Kakai, R.L., Sinsin, B., Maxted, N. 2013. National Inventory and Prioritization of the Crop Wild Relatives: case study for Benin. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution 60: 1337-1352 Gouwakinnou, G.N., Assogbadjo, A.E., Lykke, A.M., Sinsin, B. 2011 Phenotypic variations in fruits and potential for selection in Sclerocarya birrea subsp. birrea. Scientia Horticulturae 129:777–783. DOI: 10.1016/j.scienta.2011.05.04 Gouwakinnou, G.N., Lykke, A.M., Djossa A.B., Sinsin, B. 2011. Folk perception of sexual dimorphism, sex ratio and spatial repartition: implications for population dynamics of Sclerocarya birrea [(A.Rich) Hochst] populations in Benin, West Africa Agroforestry Systems 82: 25–35. DOI 10.1007/s10457-011-9371-x Gouwakinnou, G. N., Lykke, A.M, Assogbadjo A. E., and Sinsin B. 2011. Local knowledge, pattern and diversity of use of Sclerocarya birrea. Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine 7:8 • Conference contributions: - Gouwakinnou GN, Adomou CA, Sinsin B (2014). Pollination pattern and flowering phenology of Sclerocarya birrea (Anacardiaceae) in the semi-arid zone of Benin (West Africa). 20th AETFAT Congress (Association for the Taxonomic Study of the Flora of Tropical Africa), 13-17 January, Stellenbosch, South Africa. (oral presentation). - Gouwakinnou, G.N., Kindomihou, V., Thiombiano, A., Sinsin, B. (2012) Regional variation in ecological characteristics and implications for habitat suitability models for Sclerocarya birrea (Anacardiaceae) in African savannas. 1st IUFRO-FORNESSA Regional Congress & ITTO/AFF Forest Policy Day, on : Forest and Trees: Serving the people of Africa and the World. June 25 – 29, 2012. Naïrobi, Kenya (Oral presentation) Workshops_________________________________________________________________________ 19-21/09/2013: Biodiversity data collection and use for a sustainable development. Capacity building workshop in Biodiversity Informatics organised by Benin node of GBIF. Faculty of Agronomic Sciences. Abomey-Calavi, Benin. 23-24/06/2012: IUFRO-SPDC Training Workshop: Research proposal writing and fundraising. Muguga, Kenya. 13-26/6/2010: Brown International Advanced Research Institutes (BIARI): Climate Change and Its Impacts, Resilience and Adaptation to Changes in Precipitation, Brown University, USA 9-13/11/2009: International Workshop on Statistical and Spatial Analysis of Diversity Data: Towards a Better Understanding and Use of Underutilised Plant and Tree Genetic Resources:, Bamako (Mali). Memberships_______________________________________________________________________ IUCN SSC Crop Wild Relative Specialist Group, IUFRO, African Forestry Forum (AFF) Editorial duties_____________________________________________________________________ Peer review for: African Journal of Ecology; Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedecine. International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences.
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