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About Sameson Louis

Sameson Louis Economic Development for Cap-Haïtien (EDCH) is a non-profit, development resource organization. It serves as a means to revitalize Cap-Haïtien socially, ecologically and economically. Haiti has been suffering from brain drain. “More Haitian college graduates have left Haiti, per capita, than any other country in the world. When you think of the talent that Haiti has produced that benefits us and others, what we want to do is make it possible for any bright, young, ambitious Haitian to stay home and to build his or her country” (Secretary Clinton). In times of crises, foreigners often represent Haiti in the media and speak on behalf of the Haitian people. They explain the Haitian history, but exploit the Haitian culture. They determine the fate of the Haitian people. However, the Haitian presence is critical at this stage, particularly, in communities abroad. Haitians ought to respond to the call of duty and take control of Haiti’s destiny in order to avoid a total national disaster. The goal of this project is to revitalize our communities, making the public domain environmentally friendly, fostering education, providing clean water, creating economic opportunity, establishing a business center, campaigning for proper sanitation and hygiene, serving hot meals twice a day, and administering healthcare services. Haiti is an uncharted territory in terms of public affairs. Typically, foreign personnel and agents spearhead community and economic development. Economic Development for Cap-Haïtien is a Haitian effort that will operate under Haitian beliefs and values. Furthermore, it is a bottom-up initiative. Participative decision-making, consensus building, and ethical leadership are the cornerstones of EDCH. Haiti, traditionally, has a top-down structural society, which means that input from the public or community members is usually unwanted. In an effort to spur a paradigm shift, EDCH engages all community members in the strategic planning process to ensure civic engagement and inclusion.
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