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About Owori Martin

Owori Martin I'm Owori martin 28years old am a Ugandan, I hold in education (UACE) Uganda Advance Certificate of Education I have good skills and experience in construction particularly in painting department and I have worked with several big construction companies for example I worked with syan brothers construction company, yanjan construction company, complant construction company, am also contractor and sub -contructor, I know more concerning painting for example. Mixing of colours making designs, making textures, all interior and exterior designs I do my professionally with maximum respect to and for the people I work,am healthy wise and physically fit, am married with one child, very ready to move from one place to another I would wish to go and work any where world I also contribute to the world with skills and talent that God gave me , speak English mostly and frequent, I would be happy to get connected with you brothers and sisters across global Thanks
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