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About Allan Connell Haynes

Allan Connell Haynes I am president of the Barbados Kidney Association. BARBADOS KIDNEY ASSOCIATION Vision All persons in Barbados are provided with information to prevent Kidney Disease. Mission Statement The Barbados Kidney Association seeks to add value to the lives of its members, their families, and friends and the public through its various social and educational programmes. Objectives: • Educate Barbadians about Kidney Disease, prevention, treatment, risk conditions, causes, etc. • Generate accurate and useful information on Kidney Disease in Barbados. • Promote awareness of Kidney Disease in Barbados. • Promote early testing. • Lobby Government for Legislation to allow the use of cadavers in Kidney transplant. • Promote and encourage the occurrences of live donors in Kidney transplants. • Encourage a healthy life style to reduce the probability and possibility of developing End Stage Renal (Kidney) Failure. • Generate funds to assist with the caring for patients with End Stage Renal (Kidney) Failure. • Improve the quality of life for patients with End Stage Renal (Kidney) Failure. • Recognise and reward caregivers of patients with End Stage Renal (Kidney) Failure. • To bring a smile to each and every Kidney Failure Stakeholder in Barbados Slogan: • Everyone needs a kidney.
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