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About Charles Senessie

Charles Senessie Dr. Senessie a medical doctor was trained at the college of medicine and Allied Health Sciences, University of Sierra Leone and worked for some years in tertiary hospitals in Sierra Leone Guinea-Conakry and Gambia and lives for about two decades in Bern Switzerland. He hold a PhD International Health Research from Trident University USA, concluding PhD Public Health Epidemiology from USA, MSc. Clinical Dermatology in UK and further postgraduate in Public Health from Switzerland. In Sierra Leone he lectured Dermatology in the Department of Internal Medicine, College of Medicine, University of Sierra Leone, was deputy head of College of Medicine admitting team at the Connaught University teaching hospital in Freetown, Director Vinell Community hospital in Freetown Sierra Leone and Dermatology Clinic in Private Practice. In Switzerland he has worked as: • Research Assistant at the University of Bern, • Physician at the University Children’s Hospital in Basel (UKBB) • Part time Private Practitioner at Praxis Krezumatte • United Nations accredited physician for New York, Geneva and Vienna • Consultant for the World Health Organization (WHO) Headquarters in Geneva Switzerland. • Currently working in Switzerland as a physician for the Swiss Federal Government in the regulation of clinical trials locally and internationally. He is founder and President of the Afro- European Medical and Research Network (www.aemrnetwork) and also CEO of Senessie Low-Income Countries Healthcare and Consultancy Services ( He has been featured together with Past President Obama, Rev Jesse Jackson, Oprah Windfrey and others in the book called “The Most Influential Contemporary African Diaspora Leaders” - Summary of Afro-European Medical and Research Network PSierra Leone Diaspora AEMRN Mobile Clinics About AEMRN The Afro-European Medical and Research Network (AEMRN) is a non-governmental and not-for-profit -organization, working with a strong vision of partnerships to improve quality of life, especially the health of people living in resource-limited settings. AEMRN headquarters are in Bern, Switzerland for global operations and Liberia for the Africa region. Focal points are located in Cameroon, Congo DRC, Eritrea, France, Germany, Ghana, Kenya, The Netherlands, Nigeria, Portugal, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Togo, United Kingdom, United States of America, and Zambia. The members and activities of AEMRN focus on public health issues, including medical, mental, social, educational needs and support. AEMRN welcomes participation regardless of religion or socio-economic background. AEMRN works with individual professional volunteers and works in partnership with public health organizations. AEMRN is both a network and an organization that implements specific projects. The AEMRN network is multi-disciplinary and brings together active professionals in education, medicine, engineering, nursing, and medical logistics to work together in supporting people in need. AEMRN activities include training and conferences for sharing and professional development as well as special mobile clinics. The combination of our network, activities and mobile clinics provides a platform for health promotion, training and clinical service delivery. Mobile clinics and medical camps with Diaspora engagement AEMRN recruits Diaspora medical volunteers and other professionals from around the world to promote multi-cultural exchanges of knowledge, peace and understanding. The concept of mobile clinics involves physically going to communities, living with the people, sharing information, and providing support and health services. Volunteers with medical and other needed experience operate the mobile clinic services under guidance from local health care providers, national health officials, and AEMRN leadership. The mobile clinic teaches, promotes, and treats and is an opportunity to bring needed medical care to regions in need. It also can act as an entry point for delivering specialized services or for training and health promotion. It engages the diaspora, promote volunteerism, encourage potential diaspora investments toward self-reliance, and increase capacity in country of origin. The working as a team encourages these actors to collaborate in an organized structure and has the opportunity to let them not only give back to the countries they originate from, but also look at other larger opportunities such as direct diaspora investments, long term investment and partnerships with local and institutions such as IOM including Government. The initiative also encourages brain gain and the opportunity for innovation in the humanitarian setting as even with the best of intensions, it is very difficult to pursue policies that encourage diasporas to physically relocate back to countries of roigin health professionals in the diaspora are in this way promoting "brain gain" by their transfer of expertise back to the continent through hands on medical training, educational seminars and training workshops.
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