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About Harilys Victoire Rakotondramasy

Harilys Victoire Rakotondramasy I am enrolled at the Catholic University of Madagascar for a Master's degree in Macroeconomics and Public Economics and now I make an internship with UNICEF Madagascar. For my thesis and my internship, I am running a survey on Malagasy diasporas in order to know them better, to know what motivates them to send remittances to Madagascar because these later have impacts on economic growth and development. I also pursue Anglophone studies at the University of Antananarivo and my specialization is English for Specific Purpose (more exactly, English for business). I am enrolled there for a Bachelor Degree that I should achieve in July 2019. Thanks to my previous internships, I have got experiences in local development, statistics, business intelligence and FOREX trading. And the current one allows me to have an experience in planning, data mining, reporting ... By the way, I have experienced a volunteering action thanks to TFM (Teach For Madagascar association). For one of its projects, I was in charge of teaching elementary English to kids who study in public primary schools. I am a member of Coursera's GTC (Global Translator Community) and my source and target languages are respectively English and French. I started in October 2017 and I have been awarded an accomplishment badge in early 2018 because I have translated more than 15 000 words. I can speak Malagasy (mother tongue), French (Fluently), English (Intermediate level) and German (Beginner). I can use the following software : Word, Excel, Power Point, Xl-Stat, Stata, SPSS, RStudio, Canva, Sphinx, Antidote.
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Diaspora Social Network, african diaspora, diasporaengager