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About Stephen Adeoye

Stephen Adeoye B.A. Degree in Psychology and Social Studies, Certification in TESOL & Blended Learning. Stephen is a strategic thinker and planner, a passionate facilitator who believes in innovative approaches and encourages creativity. With over fifteen years of proven organizational management, eight years of teaching experience from literacy campaign to lecturing at Universities in Malta and Germany, eight years as Business English and Team Building Trainer (some of his clients are: Siemens AG, IBM AG, Continental AG, Thyssen Krupp AG). Founder: Community Farm 21, Afrika Farm Fokus e.V. Co-founder of HEIP School of English, founder of Zukunft fürs das Leben gUG. He graduated with a B.A. degree in Psychology and Social Studies at the University of Malta in 1991, also has Certification in TESOL and Blended Learning.
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