Congo Research Network Congo Research Network Mission: We are establishing a community of researchers working on DR Congo across the Humanities, called the Congo Research Network. We are concentrating on establishing a critical mass of scholars working on any aspect of Congolese culture from any of the Humanities disciplines. There are a wide range of scholars working on the DR Congo and we feel that it is important for us all to meet both to share our ideas and benefit from other researchers? input. The Network also aims to be an important source of information for media practitioners, who we envisage being able to consult us when they need information. And, finally, we hope that the Network will be able to facilitate ties with Congolese research communities and so act as a foundation for successful collaborative work between ?western? and Congolese scholars. The Congo Research Network was created in October 2010, by Dr Katrien Pype, Reuben Loffman, Dr Miles Larmer and Aldwin Roes, all scholars working on DR Congo at British Universities at that time. The network (and the website) is the outcome of Katrien?s Newton International Fellowship, which she held at the Centre of West African Studies (University of Birmingham, UK). The fellowship was sponsored by the British Academy. The first meeting and two work shops were held at the Centre of West African Studies (University of Birmingham). As from March 2011, the Congo Research Network has gone ?global?, and we aim at severing ties with Congo scholars all around the world.