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About Caribbean Students Association of Columbia University

Caribbean Students Association of Columbia University Caribbean Students Association of Columbia University The aim of the Association is to enable Caribbean students to generate and foster a sense of unity and understanding among themselves, with their fellow students at Columbia University, and with the surrounding community. This goal will be realized through the sponsoring of educational, cultural, social, and other such activities which tend to further the aims of the Association. Membership will be open to all students enrolled in the University who identify with the culture of the Caribbean and are willing to further the aims of the Association. Membership will not be denied to any person on religious, ethnic, or political grounds. We hold weekly meetings every Wednesday nights (9pm to 10pm) in either the Malcolm X Lounge (Hartley Hall). Send an e-mail to [email protected] to be added to our mailing list.
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Diaspora Social Network, african diaspora, diasporaengager