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About Cape Verdeans of Southern California

Cape Verdeans of Southern California Cape Verdeans of Southern California Cape Verdeans of Southern California, established in 1983, is a Non-Profit Organization serving the Cape Verdean communities in the Greater Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, and San Diego Counties areas. Primary goals and objectives: To provide a forum to discuss, enhance, and preserve the culture of the Republic of Cabo Verde and Caboverdianos in the United States and the Diaspora. To also expose Caboverdiano culture to other ethnic groups. To promote culture and economic exchanges between the Republic of Cabo Verde and the United States.?To inform, educate, and teach our?members the language, culture, and traditions of the Caboverdianos. To provide intellectual and athletic sponsorship programs for our youth. To conduct cultural, educational, and charitable activities that are beneficial to the Republic of Cabo Verde and the?Caboverdiavno American Community. To operate as a charitable organization as defined in the Federal Tax Code Section 501c(3).
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