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About Canadian Club of Western Australia

Canadian Club of Western Australia Canadian Club of Western Australia The Canadian Club of WA is a social club open to anyone interested in participating in a wide range of events for Club Members and their families. Some of our major events include: Canada Day celebrations, Halloween parties, Thanksgiving Dinner, skating parties, and ice hockey games. The primary aims of our club are to provide: A focus on common heritage of Canadians and Australians as the basis for which citizens of both countries (and their friends) may get together and fulfil some commitment to the community in which they live. Opportunities for social contact and mutual enjoyment. A contact point for: Newly arrived Canadians and friends of Canada and, Australians who have an interest in Canada. Membership fees are used to support the major events, publish a newsletter and to fund general club overheads. A copy of the club constitution providing a general overviews of the club aims, function and structure can be found on the Membership page of the website.
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