The Voucher Connection The Voucher Connection The Voucher Connection is an equal housing opportunity advocate for Fair Housing. We work to educate and accommodate the best interest of our landlords, investors & renters. Partnering with TVC means exclusive support for your subsidized, section 8, and affordable housing unit and a clean, safe place for renters to call home. Scroll down to learn more about how The Voucher Connection can help you.
Landlords & Investors
As a preferred vendor, you benefit from the day you choose to protect and maintain your investment with us. By partnering with The Voucher Connection our goal is to help you better understand the standards and responsibilities of a variety of affordable housing programs.
Our services include every aspect of supportive management to private landlords and investors who accept and participate in government assisted housing programs. We will match you with a management company that will have you and your investments best interest at heart or we'll rematch you for free.
Renters & Tenants
The Voucher Connection provides advance property search services and additional rental support to active voucher holders, and market rate renters. We offer renters an extended database of pre-qualified properties ready to rent.
Get immediate access to ready to rent section 8, BRHP, and other housing program rentals including market rate approved properties. Our services are free to use for renters and our process is simple.
1. Provide your information
2. Download your list
3. Call or email us when you've found a gem
Our landlords & Investors are what helps our agency fulfill its mission to open more doors of opportunity to low-income families. In return, we dedicate our services to ensure fair and equal housing to everyone. TVC’s Primary focus is Subsidized, Section 8, low-income, and housing choice voucher participants.
We want to help extend the reach of many communities. However, you do not need to be an active voucher holder to utilize our services but you must be a participating vendor to receive tenant referrals from us. The voucher connection works only with available rental properties within our network. In order to serve your community, we must have a mutual agreement with properties owners/ manager in your area. If you are a property owner who would like to work with The Voucher Connection Please Contact us at 410-921-2400 or email at [email protected]