About This is Africa (TIA)
This is Africa, TIA This is Africa (TIA) This is Africa (TIA) is a forum for Africans, by Africans, to reclaim our identity, our heritage and our continent’s rightful political, economic and cultural position in the globalised world and in the global consciousness.
We exist specifically for Africans to
Question and discuss our engagement – as a people and as a continent – with the rest of the world, especially the Western world, in ways cultural, economic, political, social, psychological or historical.
Debate issues of our identity in the globalised world, particularly with respect to our historical and current experiences with the West and East, but also to critically examine how global culture influences how we see ourselves.
Discuss what makes us tick and how we engage with one another as Africans from different cultures at home and in the diaspora.
Promote, discuss and remind ourselves of the value of African solutions, practices, customs, lifestyles and approaches to creativity, work and life.
Offer our points of view on local, continental and global current events, and critically analyse the way we, and our continent, are portrayed in the international media.
Jointly appraise and appreciate our most remarkable contributions to global culture, examine them in the context of local lifestyles and culture, or global culture, and bring these examples into the lives of pop culture fans all over the world (the hottest music and the most notable fashion, film, books, photography and art).
This Is Africa is accessible via this website (thisisafrica.me), mobile phone apps and online radio channels. The This Is Africa mobile app makes use of the Last.fm API.
This Is Africa is managed by an African crew, with a network of mostly African writers across the continent and in the diaspora.
We are always on the lookout for new contributors, so if you feel strongly about the African identity in our globalised world, Africa’s engagement with the rest of the world, contemporary urban African life and culture, and/or the way any African event is reported by the international media, or simply have original ideas you’d like to share, write to us at [email protected]
To reclaim and define our identity, our heritage and our continent’s rightful political, economic and cultural position in the globalised world and in the global consciousness.
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