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About Malawi Diaspora

Malawi Diaspora Malawi Diaspora Malawi Diaspora Website Objectives Recognize and celebrate the contributions of all Malawians abroad especially our annual remittances. To encourage strategic public and private business partnership between government and the diaspora business community Foster diaspora socio-economic relationships that will lead to a synergy of business ideas between the business community back home and abroad. Attract diaspora entrepreneurs and investments that can lead to job creation and economic growth in Malawi thereby creating a new middle class and new markets. Encourage philanthropic work by cultivating diaspora giving back of our ideas, training, expertise and time as way to inspire the young and upcoming generation. Allow the use of social media through innovative technologies to build new relationships that traverse borders via social networking. Encourage diaspora tourism by opening up Malawi’s tourism potential to our diaspora communities by marketing Malawi as the leading tourist destination. Create a fora were the Malawin Diaspora on various continents can meet and greet in one place while building new social, business, economic and cultural linkages!
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Diaspora Social Network, african diaspora, diasporaengager