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HEBREWISM OF AFRICA HEBREWISM OF AFRICA It's a historical fact that the mass majority of captive slaves broughtof captive slaves brought to the Americas, came from West Africa, although some were brought from East Africa, they were the minority. The west African tribal nations that our forefathers were taken from, have many ancient Hebrew customs in there culture. The KAFFIR, BO, GREBO, MARIBUCK, MAVUMBA, AKRA, FANTI, AKIN, YORUBA, KONGO, AND ASHANTI. Just to name a few of the many sub-Saharan nations that engage in ancient Israelite rituals. Such rituals includes CIRCUMCISION, THE DIVISION OF THEIR TRIBES INTO TWELVE, BLOOD SPRINKLING UPON THEIR ALTARS AND DOOR POSTS, MARRYING OF THEIR BROTHER'S WIFE AFTER DEATH, SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION AFTER CHILD BIRTH, UNCLEANNESS DURING CHILD BIRTH, UNCLEANNESS DURING MENSTRUATION NEW MOON CELEBRATIONS. Plus many more. Among the ASHANTI tribe the priesthood is hereditary to a specific family such a family has little or no possessions, is exempt from all taxes, supplied with food and advises the king. Compare this with the Levities of ancient Israel and you will see that both are exactly the same. The name ASHANTI has Hebrew origins, the "TI" at the end means race of or people of, Ashan was the name of a city located in southern Israel Judah (Joshua 15:42 - 19:7 / 1st chronicles 4:32 - 6:59). The word Ashan in Hebrew means smoke city / burning city. ASHANTI means the people of Ashan or the people of the smoke city, This was the reference to the city of Ashan after the Romans destroyed it in 70 C.E. In a very informative book entitled HEBREWISM OF WEST AFRICA By Joseph J Williams. He gives detailed description of the Hebrew customs in many of the west African tribes. These were the tribes who were the main suppliers of slaves during the slave trade. And these are the tribes that the majority of Hebrews in the west are descendant from. I will present a few excerpts from his book, and this should further convince you of who the children of Israel are. NOTE: I must say here that this book was written in the 1930's and the author who is white quotes some "racist" authors, from as far back as the 1700's. He also makes some misguided comments himself, as he tries to find out how so much Hebrew culture and lifestyle, got to West Africa. He would have known the answer to that had he known the prophecies. But nonetheless there is still A LOT OF useful information contained in HIS book. PAGE 22 In the first place, many Hebrewism were discovered in the ASHANTI tribal customs. Then, several ASHANTI words were found to have a striking resemblance to those of equivalent Hebrew meaning. finally the supreme being of the ASHANTI gave a strong indication of being the "Yahweh" (YHWH) of the "old testament". PAGE 23, It was indeed surprising how many HEBREWISM, either real or at least apparent, were to be found among the unislamised tribes. PAGE 52 In both ASHANTI and Hebrew the traditional vowel sound is equally important for the true signification of words. PAGE 56, Thus in conjugation of the verb the ASHANTI prefix the personal pronouns to the verb stem, the same as it is found in the imperfect of Hebrew. PAGE 61, One cannot help being impressed by the number of customs and practices there described that find their counter part among the ancient Hebrews. Thus, for example the Mosaic law of intra-tribal-marriages, which was devised expressly to preserve the inheritance of the daughters in the tribe and family of their father (NUMBERS 36:12) finds a close verification among the ASHANTI of today. And the cross-cousin marriages, so characteristic of the latter, are strictly similar to that of the daughter of salphadd who wedded the sons of their uncle by their father (NUMBERS 36:2). Again the preserving of certain names in a family is as much sought after by the ASHANTI as it was of old among the Hebrews, as shown in the case of naming of John the Baptist when the objection was made, "there is none of your Kindred that is called by this name" (Luke 1:61). PAGE 62, So also the remarkable simplicity of the ASHANTI marriage and the distinctive part that wine plays in the ceremonial reminds one of the ancient Hebrews. PAGE 63, Not only in the marriage ceremony itself but also in after marriage customs there is a strange similarity between the ASHANTI and the Hebrews. Thus, for example, for 8 days after the birth of a child the ASHANTI "mother is considered as unclean". It is only on the 8th day, at the Ntetea that the child receives its personal name, and on the 40th day a still further ceremony has to be observe. In all this we are certainly reminded of Hebrew customs. Further, the ASHANTI women at the menstrual period, even to the retirement to the bara hut, read like a page borrowed from the book of Leviticus, (15:19-20). And the system of ASHANTI ablution to prevent legal uncleanness constantly brings to mind similar practices which were common among Hebrews. PAGE 66, Thus far, however, we have shown certain cultural elements common to the ASHANTI and the ancient Hebrews, such as the ob cult, religious dances, use of "Amen", vowel value, patriarchal system, parallel symbolism of Authority in "stool" and "chair", endogamy, cross-cousin marriages, familiar names, exogamy, simplicity of marriage rite and the part wine plays in the ceremony, uncleanness after child birth, purification ceremony, Menstrual seclusion. and ceremonial ablutions; besides ASHANTI loan words of apparent Hebrew origin. PAGE 70, For they ascribe to god the attributes of omnipresence, omniscience, and Invisibility, besides which they believe that he governs all things by providence. By reason god is invisible, they say it would be absurd to make any corporeal representation of him. Wherefore they have such multitude of Images of their Idol gods which they take to be subordinate deities to the supreme god. PAGE 72, In the very fact that the Hebrews, despite their service of the true god frequently relapsed into idolatry. Captain Rattray, finds a parallelism with the ASHANTI, where, as Bosman noted, one finds a belief in a supreme being side by side with multitudes of their idol Gods. PAGE 78, And there is a common saying among the ASHANTI: no priest may look upon the face of his God and live which sounds remarkably like an echo of "Yahweh's" (YHWH) warning to Moses at Mount Sinai "Thou canst see my face for man shall not see me and live". PAGE 80, The supreme being of the ASHANTI is identical with the god of the Christians, the Yahweh of the old testament: and further that their tribal worship is strangely parallel to that of the divided worship that existed in Jerusalem immediately prior to the Babylonian exile, as we will see later in more detail. PAGE 82, The breastplate on the central figure, the Herald (Osene), who is called by Stanley the Town-Crier, is strikingly similar to the breast plate of the High Priest among the Ancient Hebrews, even to its division into twelve parts. The head dress of the Herald, too with its gold disc in front satisfies the description of the miznefet as given in the Jewish Encyclopedia. "A tiara, or perhaps a peculiarly wound turban, with a peak, the front of which bore a gold plate with inscription "Holy unto YHWH". However, the division of the breast plate into twelve parts is certainly distinctive. So also is the head dress with gold disc in front. PAGE 83, The ASHANTI Myth might thus record progressive stages in the manifestation of "Yahweh" (YHWH) to the Hebrews; the burning bush; Sinai and the Covenant, that established the Nation as God's Chosen People. This is only a few of the many comparisons he found out that existed among just ONE of the tribes that we (in the west) are descendant from. It would be way to lengthy to include all the tribes of west Africa who have Hebrew culture. Today all of Africa has been lumped into one, Meaning that "All black skinned people are of the same culture, customs, etc." So as a consequence all this Hebrewism has went unnoticed by the world at large. Most of the customs that are taught to us as being "Traditional" African culture are actually cultural traits that can be found right in the first five books of your bible. In the slave Narrative by Olaudah Equiano, He tells of how his native customs is parallel to the Hebrews customs found in the bible, He says: "Like the Israelites in their primitive state, our government was conducted by our chiefs or Judges, our wisemen, and elders; and the head of a family, with, enjoyed a similar authority over his household with that which is ascribed to Abraham and the other patriarchs. The law of retaliation prevailed almost universally with us as with them; and even their religion appeared to have shed upon us a ray of its glory, though broken and spent in its passage. or eclipse by the cloud with which time , tradition, and ignorance might have enveloped it. For we had our circumcision ( a rite I believe, peculiar to that people) we had also our sacrifices and burnt-offerings, our washing and purification, on the same occasions as they had". "I came at length to a country, the inhabitants of which differed from us in all these particulars. I was very much struck with this difference, especially when I came among a people who did not circumcise, AND WHO ATE WITHOUT WASHING THEIR HANDS". Olaudah Matthew 15:1-2,”Then came to Yahshuah scribes and Pharisees which were of Jerusalem, saying (2) Why do your disciples transgress the tradition of the Elders? FOR THEY WASH NOT THEIR HANDS WHEN THEY EAT BREAD. In a article by William Levi Ochan Ajjugo who is a member of the Madi tribe in the country of Sudan. He tells of the Hebrew customs among his and other tribes in the Sudan. "When most people think of Judaism in black Africa, they think of the so-called Falashas, Bet Israel, Ethiopian Jews who have kept the essentials of biblical Judaism despite being isolated geographically from other Jews for thousands of years. The Falashas are in fact the tip of the iceberg. Judaism came to Africa long before Islam or even Christianity, itself an early arrival. Hebrews have been in Africa hundreds of years before the exodus from Egypt. So influential was ancient Judaism in northern and eastern Africa that anthropologists have devised a test to tell whether a given tribe or people has Hebraic roots: It does so if males are circumcised at age of 1 or earlier. I am from South Sudan, the largely Christian, African portion of the Sudan, which has long been dominated by Arab Muslims to the north, in Khartoum. I am from a tribe called the Madi, and while we did not retain Judaism as thoroughly as did the Falashas in neighboring Ethiopia, I am amazed as I look back at how many of our customs seem to have come from the Hebrew Scriptures. Among Christians and non- Christians like, one G-d was worshiped. As in the Book of Leviticus, blood sacrifices were offered for sins. The worst sins required the sacrifice of a sheep, the ones below these a Goat, and the "least" sins a chicken. A hereditary group of elders or priests decided which to sacrifice, and presided over these and other ceremonies. Dietary laws were practiced; certain animals were "unclean" and could not be eaten. Ceremonial washing of hands was required when leaving home. Certain days of the year were set apart as holy. On such days, all was pledged to the one G-d of the heavens who forgave sins. The Madi also use a ram's horn ("bilah") to call people together for various purposes. My father, who was an hereditary elder, would often blow the bilah to gather the people together for a ceremony or to discuss a matter of importance. If a man died, his brother married his widow. This is in Leviticus, and also is imbedded in Madi culture, as is the "kinsman-redeemer" custom found in the Book of Ruth in connection with Boaz's marrying Ruth. In Ruth 4:7, it says that "in earlier times in Israel", the redemption and transfer of property became final when one party took off his sandal and gave it to the other. This is precisely what the Madi did when I was growing up. In Deuteronomy 15:19, the children of Israel were commanded to set apart for the L-rd all first-born males of their herds and flocks. None were to be put to work or, in the case of sheep, shorn. Again, this is a Madi custom as well. Many of these customs are also practiced by other tribes in the Sudan. One Madi custom, though, is most striking in its obvious implication: All males are circumcised -- as I was -- on the 8th day. When I was growing up, I did not know that any of these were "Jewish" customs. It was only when I began studying the Bible that the connection became clear. Most tribes who practice these customs do not know what "Jewish" means; they only know that these are the ways of their own forefathers. Christian missionaries have long misinterpreted these "ways", especially missionaries from denominations which de- emphasize the "Old" Testament. Many labeled groups like Madi "pagan", "animist", or, incredibly, "without religion." Today, the Islamic fundamentalists who rule the Sudan use similar terms to describe the tribes of South Sudan, including the Madi. Unlike the Christian missionaries of the past, however, the Islamicists know better. On more than one occasion, I was called "Jew" in a disparaging way by Muslims when I was living in the Sudan. The current Islamic regime in Sudan is waging a jihad -- a war of extermination -- against the people and tribes of South Sudan. Almost 3 million of my people have been butchered in a genocide that is worse than anything the world has seen since the Holocaust. Those who know of this under reported slaughter rightly see it as religious in nature -- a war of Islamic imperialism against largely Christian South Sudan. It is also a cultural war of Arab- dominated culture against African culture. And part and parcel of African culture -- at least in this area of Africa -- are the remnants of Judaism. For those would like to see such remnants preserved, here is yet another reason to stand up for the brave people of South Sudan". Those brothers and sisters in the Southern Sudan are Israelites, These Hebrews are still being taken captive and put into slavery in the Sudan, they are suffering the curses of Deuteronomy 28: In another article By George E. Lichtblau entitled "Jewish Roots in Africa", he gives a details about the Hebrews in west Africa. "Claims of a historic presence of Jewish communities in certain regions of Africa, notably West and Southern Africa, seem esoteric when first mentioned. This presence goes back not just centuries, but even to biblical times. Of course in two areas such a communal presence on the African continent remains a firmly acknowledged part of Jewish history and experience (North Africa and Egypt/Ethiopia). A Jewish presence in Egypt and the former Kingdom of Kush are described in the Book of Exodus. Yet even after their exodus from Egypt and their settlement in the land of Israel, the Jewish tribes retained certain nomadic characteristics which are reflected throughout their history. For example, in the 10th and 9th centuries B.C.E. Kings David and Solomon sought to expand Jewish influence and trade throughout the Mediterranean, including North Africa, Egypt, the Arab Peninsula and the Horn of Africa, as well as Persia. Often such trade promotion and colonizing drives were arranged in cooperation with the Canaanite and the neighboring Kingdom of Tyre. These kingdoms often lent their military backing to these colonizing efforts, which led to the establishment of numerous settlements by Jewish artisans and traders throughout these regions. But the subsequent scattering of a Jewish presence and influence reaching deep into the African continent is less widely acknowledged. Pressed under sweeping regional conflicts, Jews settled as traders and warriors in Yemen, the Horn of Africa, Egypt, the Kingdom of Kush and Nubia, North African Punic settlements (Carthage and Velubilis), and areas now covered by Mauritania. More emigrants followed these early Jewish settlers to Northern Africa following the Assyrian conquest of the Israelites in the 8th century B.C.E., and again 200 years later, when Jerusalem was conquered by the Babylonians, leading to the destruction of the First Temple. This catastrophic event not only drove many Jews into exile in Babylon, but also led to the establishment of exile communities around the Mediterranean, including North Africa. Then, with Israel coming under Greek, Persian and later Roman rule and dependence, renewed waves of Jewish traders and artisans began to set up communities in Egypt, Cyrenaica, Nubia and the Punic Empire, notably in Carthage, whence they began to scatter into various newly emerging communities south of the Atlas mountains. Several Jewish nomadic groups also started to come across the Sahara from Nubia and the ancient kingdom of Kush. The Jewish presence in Africa began to expand significantly in the second and third centuries of the Christian era, extending not only into the Sahara desert, but also reaching down along the West African coast, and possibly also to some Bantu tribes of Southern Africa (where some 40,000 members of the Lemba tribe still claim Jewish roots). The names of old Jewish communities south of the Atlas mountains, many of which existed well into Renaissance times, can be found in documents in synagogue archives in Cairo. In addition, Jewish, Arab and Christian accounts cite the existence of Jewish rulers of certain tribal groups and clans identifying themselves as Jewish scattered throughout Mauritania, Senegal, the Western Sudan, Nigeria, and Ghana. Among notable Arab historians referring to their existence are Ibn Khaldun, who lived in the 13th century, a respected authority on Berber history; the famous geographer al-Idrisi, born in Ceuta, Spain in the 12th century, who wrote about Jewish Negroes in the western Sudan; and the 16th century historian and traveler Leon Africanus, a Moslem from Spain who was raised by a Jewish woman working in his family's household, who is said to have taught him Hebrew and emigrated with the family to Morocco in 1492. Leon Africanus later converted to Catholicism but remained interested in Jewish communities he encountered throughout his travels in West Africa. Some evidence can also be derived from surviving tribal traditions of some African ethnic groups, including links to biblical ancestors, names of localities, and ceremonies with affinities to Jewish ritual practices. Moreover, the writings of several modern West African historians and two personal anecdotes indicate that the memories of an influential Jewish historical past in West Africa continue to survive. I still remember from my assignments in the 1960's as a Foreign Service Officer an encounter with Mr. Bubu Hama, then president of the National Assembly in Niger and a prolific writer on African history. He told me that the Tuaregs had a Jewish queen in early medieval times, and that some Jewish Tuareg clans had preserved their adherence to that faith, in defiance of both Islamic and Christian missionary pressure, until the 18th century. In several of his books Hama even cites some genealogies of Jewish rulers of the Tuareg and Hausa kingdoms. A related story about surviving memories of Jewish roots in West Africa was told to me around 1976 by former Israeli prime minister Shimon Peres. He had just returned from a meeting of the Socialist International, during which he had met with then president Leopold Senhor of Senegal. In the course of their discussion about the possibility of normalizing Senegalese-Israeli relations, Senhor had told him that he too had Jewish ancestors. At that time we both smiled somewhat incredulously. Yet, indeed, there are a number of historical records of small Jewish kingdoms and tribal groups known as Beni Israel that were part of the Wolof and Mandinge communities. These existed in Senegal from the early Middle Ages up to the 18th century, when they were forced to convert to Islam. Some of these claimed to be descendants of the tribe of Dan, the traditional tribe of Jewish gold and metal artisans, who are also said to have built the "Golden Calf". Beta Yisrael - The House of Israel In East Africa in the country of Ethiopia lived a people called Beta Yisrael which means House of Israel. These brothers and sisters claim descendant from the biblical Israelite tribe of Dan. Dan was one of the twelve tribes of Israel. Beta Yisrael are black skinned as an Israelite would be. They were given the name of Falashas which means Stranger and Foreigner, Beta Yisrael is not indigenous to the country of Ethiopia , this is why they are called Stranger by the inhabitants of that land. We know from Scripture that Israelites have been in Ethiopia from at least the first century, or earlier (Acts 8:). Beta Yisrael practice of Hebrewism was close to that of the biblical Israelites then it was to Judaism. Some believe the Ethiopian Hebrews are not true Israelites, in order to know if they are we have to use the identifying mark. We have to compare their living condition to what is written in Deuteronomy 28 and Leviticus 26. In 1985 a civil war was waging in Ethiopia, which brought death and starvation. The Israeli Government decided to bring these Hebrews back to the land of Israel in what they called Operation Moses. Beta Yisrael living condition was deplorable, the Israeli government noted that if Beta Yisrael was not taken from Ethiopia they wouldn't survive as a people. In order for the Israeli's to allow Beta Yisrael in the land of Israel they had to convert to Judaism. This was forced upon them, they had no choice it was either convert or stay in Ethiopia and Die. They choice to convert to Judaism and are now called Jews. As I mention in order for us to know if they are really Israelites we have to see if they are suffering the curses. Since coming to Israel, they have been brought down very low, they are being treated in the same manner as we are in the Americas. Beta Yisrael is called Israel's "black underclass" Here are some excerpts that detail their plite in the land of Israel. August 11, 1995 Report calls Israel's Ethiopian Jews `black underclass' MICHELE CHABIN Jewish Telegraphic Agency JERUSALEM -- Misguided Israeli educational policies are "steadily transforming Ethiopian immigrants into a black underclass," according to a new report by the Israel Association for Ethiopian Jews. Titled "Creating an Underclass: How Israel's Educational System is Failing Immigrant Youth," the just-published report accuses the government of providing substandard education to Ethiopian immigrants and of segregating them from other Israelis. While acknowledging that many officials in the Jewish Agency for Israel and the Education and Absorption ministries have made "heroic efforts" to help Ethiopian olim (immigrants) succeed, the report charges the government with educational neglect. The report, compiled four years after the Operation Solomon airlift brought 14,400 Ethiopian Jews to Israel, is subtitled "A Call to Action." "While the problems posed by inadequate housing and job prospects are well-known," the report says, "the most critical obstacle to the absorption of the Ethiopian community is the education system." "Noting that about half of Ethiopian adults are unemployed, the report says......" The education system, the report concludes, "has only contributed to a vicious circle of poverty, unemployment and juvenile delinquency." Ethiopian Jews Imitate U.S. Blacks Las Vegas Sun, January 25, 1999 Associated Press For centuries, Ethiopian Jews dreamed of reaching Israel. Much of the 65,000-member community here arrived in 1985 and 1991 through a series of dramatic airlifts. Thousands of others perished trekking through brutal conditions in the Sudan desert on the way to airlift departure points. But for many Ethiopians, Israel has proven something less than a promised land. As a group, they remain at the bottommost rung of the country's economic and educational ladder, still struggling to find social, religious and cultural acceptance. The Ethiopian saga in Israel has been fraught with hardships. On arrival, most became wards of an overworked immigration bureaucracy that housed them in isolated trailer parks or urban absorption centers where traditional farming skills proved useless in finding work. While overt racial discrimination is relatively rare, many Ethiopians feel the sting of what they see as Israeli disdain for them as newcomers from a primitive country. The Ethiopians also have had to battle an Orthodox religious establishment that has questioned the authenticity of their Jewish roots, requiring them to undergo symbolic conversion to Judaism before marrying. The burdens of immigrant life have fallen particularly hard on the young. Because many parents can't provide their children with school supplies or a quiet place to study, some teens attend state-run boarding schools attended by Israeli youngsters from troubled homes. In some neighborhood grade schools, there is de facto segregation that Ethiopians feel has meant a lower standard of education. The Ethiopians' high school dropout rate exceeds 17 percent, or more than double the national average, the Education Ministry says. Young Ethiopians have excelled in their mandatory military service, but once demobilized, most can get only low-paying jobs. Unemployment among older Ethiopians is high, with more than half the families with teen-agers having no employed head of household. In Israel, distress signals from Ethiopians By Ben Lynfield | Special to The Christian Science Monitor May 22, 2002 edition STRIVING FOR INCLUSION: Ethiopian Jews immigrated to Israel in the 1980s and 1990s. Many feel they don't fit into the society of their new homeland, a problem that both black and white Israelis are struggling to address The gap between black and white Israelis seems, with some exceptions, to be growing. For Ethiopians, it is visible in impoverished neighborhoods, soaring unemployment, and the highest high-school dropout rate of any Jewish group in Israel. Twenty-six percent of Ethiopian youths have either dropped out or do not show up for classes most of the time, raising concerns that the community's current difficulties may become chronic. Drug use, including glue-sniffing, is on the rise, and criminal activity, hardly known among Ethiopians before they came to Israel, has been growing. But not everyone is sympathetic. Israeli mayors unabashedly urge the government to keep Ethiopian immigrants away from their cities. During a break in Ishete's talk, Masha Aroshes, Rishon LeZion municipality official, says that more Ethiopian families due to arrive here are not welcome. "They are going to a neighborhood which the mayor has been trying very hard to improve," she says. "It is just starting to flower. Adding another 35 Ethiopian families is not right. It impacts on the education level. In order for the Ethiopians to be properly absorbed, they should not go there." That kind of talk is adding to alienation among Ethiopians, according to Asher Elias, a staff member at the Israel Association for Ethiopian Jews (IAEJ). "Ethiopians have lots of motivation to become Israelis, but they are not accepted," he says. "In jobs, in education, people feel they are discriminated against because they are black. I'm not saying it is right or wrong, but it is what we are feeling, and that is enough." A low point in the relationship between Ethiopian Jews and Israelis came in 1996, when it was revealed that Israeli hospitals had thrown out all blood donated by Ethiopians. "These were donations to help other Israelis," Mr. Elias says. "[Ethiopians] said to each other: 'What do they think? That we are not humans?' "Habad, one of Israel's stronger orthodox religious groups, doesn't recognize Ethiopians as Jews or allow their children into its kindergartens. From reading the information in those articles you would think they were speaking about us Hebrews in the western hemisphere, but they are not they are talking about our brethren in Israel. Beta Yisrael is a stranger and outcast in his own land. Yah said this would happen Jer 14:8 O the hope of Israel, the savior thereof in time of trouble, why shouldest thou be as a stranger in the land, and as a wayfaring man that turneth aside to tarry for a night? Isaiah 1:7 Your country is desolate, your cities are burned with fire: your land, strangers devour it in your presence, and it is desolate, as overthrown by strangers. You can read the entire articles in the article section of this site located in the right side bar. The Lemba of South Africa In Southern Africa resides another group of Israelites who go by the name Lemba. The Lemba Israelites say they left Israel and migrated to Southern Africa about 3,000 years ago. They number about 300,000 and they say there are more of them all along the East Coast of Africa. The Lemba are separated from the Indigenous tribes located in South Africa. Recently a genetic test was done on the Lemba to see if they are Israelites. these tests have proven the Lemba to have the highest concentration of the gene marker than any known halakhic Jewish group. This is reported in an article titled "Decoding the Priesthood" by Peter Hirshberg and Jane Logan, in Jerusalem Report (May 10, 1999 issue). NOTE: THESE GENETIC TEST CAN BE A BIT DECEPTIVE, THEY COMPARED THE GENES OF THE LEMBA WITH THE GENES OF A CERTAIN JEWISH GROUP. THEY HAVE NEVER PUBLISH A REPORT SAYING THE JEWS HAVE THE SAME GENETIC MARKERS AS AN ANCIENT ISRAELITE. THEY HAVE RECOVERED MANY ISRAELITE SKELETONS FROM ARCHAEOLOGIST DIGS THROUGHOUT THE 'MID EAST'. BUT THEY DON'T HAVE ONE PUBLISH REPORT LINKIN Just as Beta Yisrael the Lemba practice of Hebrewism is not like the Jewish Judaism. It's more biblical, but sadly they are having a Jewish influence, Jews are trying to convert them to Judaism. I am still in the process of learning more about the Lemba. Here is an excerpt from a speech from a Lemba Israelite. Shalom Aleichem!! Thank you for giving me this opportunity to address you. Some of you may already be familiar with the subject I am going to discuss, but if you are not, then we will work through this together. As told by my father, and his father's father, and his father's, father's father, and many more before them; Approximately 2,500 years ago, a group of Jews left Judea and settled in Yemen. The tribe was led by the house of Buba and we are told that this move was to facilitate trade. In Yemen they settled in a place and built acity called Senna. They were then known as the BaSenna (the people from Senna) When conditions became unfavorable, and not being a historian, I can not give you exact details of what went wrong; but lets just say they could no longer call Yemen home. The House of Hamisi took over the leadership and led the people across into Africa. Once in Africa, the tribe split into 2 sections: One group settled in Ethiopia and the other group went further south along the East Coast. They settled in what today is known as Tanzania/Kenya and built Senna 2. Here they prospered and increased in numbers. I'm afraid the travel bug bit once again and they were on the move. A small group went and settled in Malawi and Kenya. Their descendants are still residing in these countries up to today and are generally known as Ba Mwenye (lords of the land). The remaining group, under the leadership of the house of Bakali, moved on and settled in Mozambique. Here they built Senna 3. Even today, the BaSenna are found in Mozambique. After many years, part of the tribe, now under the leadership of Seremane (which is the house I belong to); moved further south to settle in Chiramba in what is known today as Zimbabwe. They were known as the Ba-Lemba. Our people still live there up to today. Some of the tribe moved south again and eventually settled in South Africa ( Venda, Louis Trichadt, Pietersburg and Tzaneen). This story has been told to all Lemba children from the time they are able to comprehend. It is told so that we know where we come from, who we are and how we live. It is told and shall continue to be told/written so that future generations are not lost never to be found again. Do I believe this: Oh Yeah! My father told me and, now there is scientific proof for the non believers: The lemba males posses the Priestly Cohanim gene on their Y chromosome (from work done by Jenkins and Spurgle - Wits University) Old maps of the Holy Land have now revealed that there was a place called Lemba way back BCE. Which brings us to my generation! Pretty cool and interesting Huh?! 1) We believe in only one God Nwali. He is the creator of all things. Over time, due to certain circumstances, a number of Lemba have been baptized as Christians. 2) One day per week is considered holy: On this day we praise Nwali and thank him for looking after us. We teach our children to honor their mothers and fathers. 3) Circumcision: We circumcise all our males. It used to be done in the home by chosen elders. The male was circumcised at the age of 8 yrs (did we get that wrong over time?) Nowadays, some do it in hospitals. There is a strong move to bring this back to the home. 4) Dietary laws: We do not eat pork or any of the creatures prohibited by the Old Testament. We have our animals slaughtered by designated people and bled. We do not mix milk and meat ever in our meal planning. We wash our hands before we handle food or cooking utensils and we thank Nwali before eating. 5) Calendar: We used to observe the moon to guide us in observing times. Everyone has a calendar nowadays. 6) Burial: We have special burial rituals. Our graves are dug with a shelf on the side where the body is laid. The head must always face north where we have come from. Today, we put tombstones with a Star of David on them. 7) Lembas are encouraged to marry other Lembas. A non Lemba woman can be instructed in the ways of the Lembas if she is to marry one. She has to learn the religious laws, dietary laws, etc. She may not bring any kitchen utensils from her maiden home to her new Lemba home. And she is to bring her children up according to the Lemba tradition. Sometimes she is asked to shave her head before being admitted to the Lemba home. There are about 70,000 of us in Southern Africa. We know who we are. It would be grand if we returned to the broader global Jewish community. Even though we have safeguarded our traditions for this long, we do not want to risk losing them. We all meet once a year for a cultural conference up in the Northern province. We are in the process of building a temple and hopefully a conference center. One of us who owns a farm wants to establish a kibbutz on the farm. We plan to get people to come and instruct us in Hebrew, teach us about Torah..... teach us what was lost along the 2500 years of having been separated from the main body of Judaism. We are receiving help, support and encouragement in our project by a few good people, like Rufina Mausenbaum, Dr Shimon Wapnick, Dr Jack Zeller and Yaacov Levi, who will soon be joining us as our teacher. These people, together with organizations like Kulanu are in the forefront collecting books and siddurim. Many scholars have always known about the biblical Hebrew culture found a None of them ever make the connections of the curses and prophecies of Deuteronomy 28: and Leviticus 26: and how they fit us perfectly. If they did all the mysteries about the Biblical Hebrews would be cleared up. It's been a known fact since the time of the slave trade, that the people on the west coast of Africa were Hebrews. The first Christian missionaries, who left Portugal for west Africa were required to have a knowledge of Aramaic and Hebrew. Aramaic is a language that is akin to Hebrew, some say it was spoken by the Hebrews during the time of Yahshuah. Sir John Hawkins an English slave trader in the 1500's communicated with his captives, who later became slaves by speaking Hebrew to them. In fact when he first came to the shores of west Africa, the first thing he said to the people was SHALOM, Shalom is a Hebrew word that means peace. The slave master's knew who we were, this was the reason they changed our whole culture, faith, religion and history. How could they keep us as slaves and treat us as subhuman, and still have high praise for our scared scriptures (the bible). It was necessary that they cover up our identity, and keep it hidden. When slaves were on the plantation working from before the sun came up to when it went down. They would sing songs that are now known as Negro Spirituals. In these songs they would sing about Moses, Jerusalem, Canaan, Yah and the land of Israel. The songs with those themes I just mention were song on plantations before the slave master introduce the KJV or Christianity to the slaves. If the slaves were not already Israelites how did they have knowledge of these songs and biblical themes. When we were first brought to the America's the slave master didn't find it fit to teach us Christianity. If he did he would have to acknowledging that we were human, and that was something he couldn't do. Over a period of time, the slave master decided to teach our people a few things about Christianity. But he only taught them from the New Testament (just as many Christians continue to do today). Slave Owners forbidden the slaves to read or hear "old testament" bible books, such as Exodus and others. But those first slave songs had many old testament themes to them such as "Let My People Go", My home is over Jordan, and Swing Low Sweet Chariot and so on. The slave master didn't teach them this, as a matter of fact in some parts of the country those "Slave songs" were outlawed (it also was against the law to teach a slave how to read and write especially the bible). Our people were singing about something that they were familiar with, and this was "old testament" history, a history which had by then become oral history passed on from one generation to the next. The slave song KumbaYAH is Hebrew, it's saying "come by here, Yah come by here". As I pointed out earlier YAH is a shorten form of the creator's name in Hebrew. So how did our people know about Yah, Moses and all the other Hebrew themes if they were not Hebrews upon their arrival? If you pick up and read any book on slavery in the United States, You will see that the slaves would call the slave owner MASSA not MASTER but MASSA. We have been taught that the slaves were speaking broken English, so they would pronounce MASSA instead of master because of their dialect. That's not the whole truth, MASSA is a Hebrew word that means burden / oppressor (strong's concordance 4853, 4854). Those slave masters put heavy burdens on the slaves, so the slaves called them Massa for that reason. Many Christians were also surprised to learn that these so called "ungodly savages" awaited a messiah, long before the arrival of the first European Gentiles. As I bring this to a close I hope you have been blessed with a understanding of these things I have presented. This wasn't a twisting of scripture or hate speech. This is a long forgotten hidden truth. Some of you who read this for the first time, are coming into information that you have never heard before. AND NOW THAT YOU HAVE HEARD IT, WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO WITH IT. I'm not forcing any thing on anybody, you can reject this or accept this the choice is yours.....But THE FACT IS: you can't say you haven't heard this information. In the book of Revelation chapter 12: verse 9 it says Satan has deceive the whole world. This world is deceive about many things, including who are the decedents of biblical Israel..... REMEMBER THIS SCHOOL OF THOUGHT: There are some very wicked, wealthy powerful men who want to rule the earth. These men know the earth belongs to Yah and they Know Yah has a chosen People & inheritance on earth. They also know that Yah has promised the world to his people. These wicked powerful men know that in order for them to rule, they must first get rid of the Inheritance (Israel), and then they can REIGN. These Wicked men know that the Israelites are Black skinned, but since Israel is scattered to the four corners it is hard for them to I. D. us. So what they do is put into effect a plan of global Genocide to get rid of all black skinned people, which will include the Israelites. This is much like king Herod plan he enacted during the birth of Yahshuah, He had all Hebrew males 2 years and under put to death. Since he wasn't exactly sure which child was Yahshuah he thought that in the process of killing them all he might have killed the messiah. The same thing is happening against the children of Israel today. Herod reason for trying to Kill Yahshuah, was he knew Yahshuah was the one who was going to Inherit the throne of Israel. Well same thing with this super wealthy elite. They know that the only thing that is really in their way is a righteous conscious Israel who will have the love and favor of the father on their side. AND BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY THEY MUST STOP THAT. IT IS WRITTEN IN STONE THAT THEY WILL FAIL.
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