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About West Indian Critic

West Indian Critic West Indian Critic Feminist Meaning in the Caribbean: 6 Issues We Urgently Need To Address categories: feminist meaning How can we find feminist meaning or significance in our lives as Caribbean women? What would need to change for feminism to be not just a concept, but something that influences our culture as a whole. In the Caribbean, we are accomplished in some of our philosophies towards family, women, work and sexual agency. Unfortunately, our problems do outweigh our accomplishments and it is our responsibility as Caribbean women to recognize these problems and work to the best of our abilities and within our range of these abilities to create change within our region. Of course our issues and problems are probably far more expansive than the ones that I shall list but the list below will encompass what I see as our most glaring and pressing problems. Homophobia and Transphobia; denial of rights and equal treatment of non-cis and non-hetereosexual individuals. Economic disadvantages that women suffer across the Caribbean Poor access to educational resources (which really boils down to education reform) Rape, incest, sexual assault and all forms of sexual violence High levels of domestic violence and improper support groups Problems with alcoholism and addiction (can affect women in a number of ways!)
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