CONNECT.JO - JORDANIAN PROFESSIONALS ABROAD CONNECT.JO - JORDANIAN PROFESSIONALS ABROAD Vision: The betterment of the people and the economy of Jordan. Mission: To develop, operate, and maintain a sustainable network where professional Jordanians around the globe, and points of interest in Jordan, can interact and collaborate.
Kicked-off during the May 2014 visit of HM King Abdullah II to the "Innovative Jordan" Conference in the U.S.; this network aims to address Jordan’s brain drain challenge. The network was officially launched in November 2014 during the USAID sponsored MENA-ICT Forum in Amman. The network in composed of Jordanian diaspora professionals in Healthcare and Life Sciences (HLS), Clean Technology (CT), and Information and Communications Technology (ICT). The network aims to establish a strong linkage for professional Jordanians abroad, help individuals and startups from Jordan through accessing a foreign country’s technology business environment, support Jordanian companies in gaining access to foreign markets, and assist diaspora members in setting up their businesses in Jordan. The network will also help Jordanian graduate students in obtaining scholarships to foreign universities or internship opportunities in foreign companies.
The objectives of this initiative are to:
Enrich the engagement of the diaspora in the areas of capital markets, entrepreneurship, volunteerism, advocacy, philanthropy, trade & heritage, and tourism.
Establish a strong network of professional Jordanians abroad in order to develop a tight linkage and access between members, leverage individual and joint relationships, provide and receive mentorship and co-investments.
Help companies and individuals from Jordan in areas such as startups, entrepreneurship, mentorship, and investments.
Support big Jordanian companies in gaining access to foreign markets.
Assist diaspora members in setting up offices and businesses in Jordan.
Increase benefits to Jordan and its export opportunities (trade, tourism, and advocacy)
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