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GLOBAL FILIPINOS AUSTRALIA GLOBAL FILIPINOS AUSTRALIA Our vision is a responsive and committed global community of empowered and unified Filipinos proactively participating in their motherland's mainstream activities and asserting their positions in the international scene to benefit the Philippines and global Filipinos. Our mission is to build a network of overseas Filipinos through a coalition with and intra-country organisations and via five programs: exercise their suffrage rights; effectively articulate their interests; help create and seize economic opportunities; serve as a catalyst for positive change and assert, promote and protect their rights globally. INDUSTRY: Arts & Culture, Education, Emergency/Disaster Aid, Human Rights/Democracy/Governance, Gender Equality/Women's Empowerment, Other, Economic Growth and Development, Humanitarian Aid. ACTIVITIES: Advocacy, Consulting/Training, Events, Communications, Fundraising, Volunteering/Mentoring, Other, Policy Development
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