ALLIANCE FOR BRAIN GAIN AND INNOVATIVE DEVELOPMENT (ABIDE) ALLIANCE FOR BRAIN GAIN AND INNOVATIVE DEVELOPMENT (ABIDE) ABIDE is a pioneer indigenous non governmental non profit development organization established to facilitate brain gain for national capacity building through active engagement of knowledge Diaspora.
Alliance for Brain Gain and Innovative Development was founded by Dr. Tewabech Bishaw, a prominent Ethiopian public health professional who, after working for 30 years in Ethiopia and over 15 years abroad, returned to Ethiopia determined to contribute to the country's sustainable development and the people's prosperity.
Dr. Tewabech believes that the Ethiopian Knowledge Diaspora, Ethiopian professionals working and excelling in their fields and currently living outside of Ethiopia have tremendous potential in contributing positively to strengthening Ethiopia's human resources. With this in mind, she founded ABIDE in 2006 to champion the role that the Ethiopian Knowledge Diaspora can play in the country's development. She advocated and made tremendous contributions towards the creation of policy that considers the positive role that the Ethiopian Knowledge Diaspora could play, and has been working with institutions to systematize and facilitate the Diaspora's engagement in institutions of higher learning and other key organizations in Ethiopia.
To this end, she calls on ALL Ethiopians in the Diaspora who believe that they have knowledge, experience, skills and networks that they can contribute towards Ethiopia's growth and her people's prosperity to connect and get in touch with ABIDE so that we can work together to show the win-win relationship that is possible between Ethiopian institutions and the Ethiopian Knowledge Diaspora.
ABIDE was founded by a diverse group of concerned Ethiopian citizens that is inclusive of Ethiopian professionals and youth in the country, members of the Diaspora and friends of Ethiopia who live in and outside the country.
ABIDE strives to maximize brain gain through developing and strengthening institutional mechanisms and processes needed to coordinate and facilitate strong links and partnerships between local institutions and the Diaspora. To meet its objectives, ABIDE is working in with all development forces in and outside the country and in partnership with all stakeholders.
Please join the movement. Share our page. Get involved and let us know in what way you would like to be involved - as a volunteer in Ethiopia - as someone interested in returning to Ethiopia for a short or long period - as someone who would like to be a coordinator in one of our key regions - as someone from an Ethiopian institution of higher learning that would like to support our needs based approach for the most effective outcomes!
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