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About Business Action for Africa and Business Fight

Business Action for Africa and Business Fight Business Action for Africa and Business Fight We believe that Africa is good for business, and that business is good for Africa. We are a group of companies and international development organisations, working collectively to harness the development impact of business in Africa. Mission: Since its launch in 2005, Business Action for Africa has emerged as an innovative international platform for harnessing the collective energy of business in support of Africa?s development. Together we work in three areas: 1-Advocate: We advocate for the policies needed to drive growth and wealth creation for poor people in Africa, and to facilitate business engagement in tackling development issues. 2 - Act: We catalyse business-to-business partnerships to drive on-the-ground action on business issues that matter for development, and development issues that matter for business. 3 - Share: We facilitate practical, how-to knowledge sharing between practitioners committed to harnessing the power of business for development impact. 4 - We are supported by a group of international and national businesses, the UK?s Department for International Development and the International Business Leader?s Forum. Business Action for Africa is run as a not-for-profit.
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