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COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SERVICES ALLIANCE (CODESA) COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SERVICES ALLIANCE (CODESA) We use interculturalism to connect diaspora communities to the broader multicultural society of Britain. We organise highly interactive inter-cultural festivals, leadership training and shared heritage learning platforms to improve community engagement, cohesion and peaceful co-existence. Who We Are CODESA is an organisation started by people who have experienced extreme poverty, hunger and destitution and have survived to tell our stories and help others move out of poverty, create wealth and grow local and national economies. We are an intercultural organisation and use the concepts, principles, practices of Interculturalism to better engage local communities and stakeholders to address poverty and deprivation from a common perspective. More Details…. What We Do We emphasise entrepreneurship and wealth creation at the grassroots, rather than “sustainable livelihoods”, which perpetuate poverty and deprivation. We identify and tackle the root causes of poverty instead of merely touching the symptoms. We provide infrastructure support, advice and resources to catalyse local development initiatives, and partnerships to build or strengthen capacity to tackle poverty, hunger and deprivation. More Details…. What You Can Do No individual or organisation can eradicate poverty and hunger in the world. That’s why we open our doors to everyone who is concerned about poor people’s plight to come on board. There are several roles; trustees, fundraisers, volunteers, etc. for you. If you are an individual facing poverty, you can gather members of your community together and we will be happy to help. More Details…. Our Vision Living in a world free from poverty, deprivation, and discimination We have a vision for a fairer society in which people live without fear of deprivation and hunger and children look to a bright future with hope, joy and expectation of happy lives. Embroidered in this vision are the following: • Central and local governments implementing pro-poor policies and legislation • Good governance, anti-corruption, respect for human rights and rule of law • Local participation in the policy and development processes • Strengthening leadership, and empowerment of women and young people • Strong civil society capable of catalysing sustainable development • Allocation and support for civil society interventions for sustainable development initiatives • Systems and processes to strengthen local adaptation and resilience • Sound base of ecosystem services, and conservation of biodiversity We translate our vision into action through the work we do with migrants; ethnic minorities, refugees and asylum seekers in the United Kingdom and Belgium and grassroots communities in Ghana and South Sudan. Our Values Respect for human life and dignity of all irrespective of faith or ethnicity Under Construction (please visit again later) Our Services Diverse support to suit your needs Support for start upd and new community groups to develop governance structures and documents. Support with business and fundraising planning and fundraising Advice and training on project management, monitoring, evaluation and reporting. Linking up partners and supporting to build North-South and South-South collaborative projects. Working with academic partners to deliver accredited, bespoke training courses. Our Team Ingetrating Core Management with Technical Professionals for Impact Management Group Expertise Senior Management Experience Interdisciplinary Professionals International Development Sectors Technical Support Group Expertise International Education Private-Public Partnerships Disaster Risk Reduction Conflict Transformation Post-2015 Sustainable Development Goals & Global-To-Local Strategies
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Diaspora Social Network, african diaspora, diasporaengager