African Affairs Advisory Group African Affairs Advisory Group The African Affairs Advisory Group serves as liaison between the African communities and the county government. The purpose of the African Affairs Advisory Group is to ensure that the County Executive is well informed of and able to act effectively to respond to the needs and concerns of African immigrants living/and or working in Montgomery County.
he advisory group meets on the second Thursday of every month at the Silver Spring Civic Building. The AAAG has exceeded its goals every year. The African Affairs Advisory Group serves as liaison between the African communities and the County government. The purpose of the African Affairs Advisory Group is to ensure that the County Executive is well informed of and able to act effectively to respond to the needs and concerns of African immigrants living/and or working in Montgomery County. The Advisory Group is comprised of a chair and vice chair who are designated by and serve at the pleasure of the County Executive and approximately 30 political, religious, and other leaders in the African community. The Advisory Group’s primary tasks include: advise the County government on the needs and concerns of African immigrants in Montgomery County, including but not limited to policy initiatives, budget priorities, economic and other partnership opportunities, and help County agencies with access for the implementation of programs; reach out to the African immigrant community in Montgomery County to bring their needs and concerns to the attention of the County government and to inform them of County programs and resources; identify opportunities for increasing the cultural competence of the County government workforce to better serve African immigrants in the County; identify opportunities for increasing the capacity of nonprofit organizations and faith communities serving African immigrants in the County; and identify opportunities for collaboration of public, community, and private organizations to better serve the County's African immigrant community.