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About Buhnenwatch / Stagewatch

Buhnenwatch, Stagewatch Buhnenwatch / Stagewatch About Us: Buhnenwatch (engl. Stagewatch) is a platfom which has the aim of bringing racist traditions and practices on German stages to an end. This group was formed following the racist use of blackface in the Schlosspark Theatre, Berlin and the ensuring debate regarding this. We are working against the use of all racist imagery, like blackface, as well as all instances of discrimination against Black actors and actors of color in future. We want to encourage people to become active ? to write open letters, to organise events and actions and to raise awareness. We share information and network through our blog and facebook pages. B?hnenwatch consists of activists of color, Black activists and white activists. We aim to work closely with organisations like: Der Braune Mob (German media watch organisation), the Initiative of Black People in Germany (ISD Bund e.V.) and the Black German theatre ensemble Label Noir.
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