TalentCorp, Talent Corporation Malaysia Berhad TalentCorp Based on a graduate employability survey conducted by TalentCorp and World Bank, employers found that local Malaysian graduates are not adequately prepared for the workforce, especially in terms of skills and competencies
needed by industry. In response to this, TalentCorp was established on 1st January 2011 under the Prime Minister’s Department to formulate and facilitate initiatives to address the availability of talent in-line with the needs of the
country’s economic transformation.
TalentCorp regards itself as a bridge between the public and private sectors in Malaysia. Working with both sectors, TalentCorp helps to facilitate, introduce and implement policies and initiatives to attract, nurture and retain
Malaysia’s top talent. Its mission is to build effective partnerships, and make a difference in addressing Malaysia’s talent needs to enable the country to reach its aspiration of a high-income nation. Collaborating closely with
relevant Government agencies and employers in priority economic sectors, TalentCorp develops demand-driven initiatives focused on three strategic thrusts: Optimise Malaysian Talent; Attract and Facilitate Global Talent; Build
Networks of Top Talent. As of August 2014, 78 young Malaysian talents have completed the Penang Skills and Development Centre (PSDC) FasTrack Phase 3 programme which is a twelve month apprenticeship programme, and will
form a new Research and Development team required to accelerate the local Electronic and Electrical Sector