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About ReConnect Hungary

ReConnect Hungary ReConnect Hungary ReConnect Hungary is a unique cultural, educational and social immersion program for young adults aged 18-28 of Hungarian heritage, born in the U.S. or Canada. Gain a deeper understanding of your Hungarian heritage while enjoying a living culture! ReConnect Hungary provides peer-group heritage and cultural immersion trips to Hungary for Hungarian-American young adults between the ages of 18 and 26 who want to strengthen their personal Hungarian identity through connection to the country, culture and heritage. In summer 2014, a group of individually selected young Hungarian-Americans will undertook a two-week journey of rediscovery together. Organised by the Hungarian Human Rights Foundation, with the support of Hungarian-American organisations and the Government of Hungary, the program covers round-trip airfare between New York and Budapest, as well as two weeks of programs, which include educational lectures, meetings with business leaders and visits to government offices and cultural attractions.
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