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INSTITUTE FOR MEXICANS ABROAD INSTITUTE FOR MEXICANS ABROAD Misión y Visión Promover estrategias, integrar programas, recoger propuestas y recomendaciones de las comunidades, sus miembros, sus organizaciones y órganos consultivos, tendientes a fortalecer sus vínculos con su país de origen y a fomentar su integración en las sociedades en las que residen e interactuan. Ser un puente de entendimiento a partir del cual se pueda articular una agenda compartida que mediante la asociación de iniciativas y programas de trabajo a largo plazo, contribuyan al mejoramiento e integración de las comunidades mexicanas en el exterior y a fortalecer su identidad cultural y su orgullo por ser mexicanos. In the 1990s, the Mexican Foreign Ministry initiated a programme targeting Mexicans abroad to strengthen ties to Mexico and to support the health, education, and leadership of these communities. This programme was reorganised in 2003 and became the Institute for Mexicans Abroad (Instituto de los Mexicanos en el Exterior). The IME is governed by the National Council for Mexican Communities Abroad (Consejo Nacional), which comprises 11 Ministries that deal with migration issues, and the Advisory Council (Consejo Consultivo), which incorporates 156 representatives from Mexican communities abroad. The Advisory Council is divided into commissions - education, health, political affairs, legal affairs, border issues, economic and business affairs, and communications and outreach - that submit requests to the various branches of the Mexican government. It meets twice a year to reach a consensus on recommendations. The IME represents a new emphasis on empowering Mexican communities abroad in addition to strengthening their ties to origin communities. The IME brings together all relevant stakeholders in Mexico and the United States to discuss the challenges and opportunities confronting Mexicans abroad. It coordinates the activities of national and local authorities in Mexico, institutions, and organisations assisting or involving Mexicans abroad; organises seminars and conferences on migration; and makes recommendations and implements programmes for communities abroad. Programmes focus on four areas: education, health, remittances, and cultural and professional formation. For example, the IME promotes community participation and leadership through leadership programs for youth and programmes designed to teach effective methods of organising and fundraising. Additionally, an IME recommendation resulted in the extension of the right to vote for Mexicans abroad.
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