About Pan African News Agency - PANAPRESS
Pan African News Agency, PANAPRESS Pan African News Agency - PANAPRESS Presentation
The Pan African News Agency, PANAPRESS, is the fruit of committed African investors who decided to endow the continent with an efficient means of communication. The editorial and financial autonomy it acquired thanks to its substantial initial capital, enhances the agency's credibility on the international scene. PANAPRESS, in its restructuring phase, has initiated an in-depth process of technological mutation. Today, it exploits a series of intranet, internet and extranet networks and over 5 millions users have access to its production every month.
The PANAPRESS website, www.panapress.com , is meant to be the most complete information portal on Africa. It is a special interface between Africa and its diaspora as well as a communication and information tool at the service of all policy-makers in Africa. It is essentially meant to contribute to projecting the image of a continent that is on the winning side.
The editorial team
The Central Newsroom, based in the agency's headquarters in Dakar, ensures the development and coordination of a network of over 50 correspondents throughout the continent. Managed by professionals, this symbol of African unity and solidarity contributes in taking up the challenge of ensuring high quality news coverage of the continent and its key areas of interest. PANAPRESS currently diffuses several daily news casts which can fully meet any demands in terms of news on Africa: economy, technology, politics, gender, health, sports, environment, culture etc. The newsroom also provides a weekly review of African press. The agency's working languages are English, French and Arabic. Portuguese will hopefully be included by the end of 2001.
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