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About Global Youth Innovation Network

Global Youth Innovation Network, GYIN Global Youth Innovation Network What is GYIN ? GYIN – Global Youth Innovation Network The Global Youth Innovation Network (GYIN) has established the basis of an effective networking, mentorship, knowledge sharing, and collaboration platform for both poor urban and rural youth entrepreneurs. By capitalizing on this innovative idea and taking into account the wishes and desires of many rural young women and men, we recognized the need to provide a continuous “space” by establishing a platform now known as GYIN. GYIN seeks to develop evidence-based,sustainable, scalable, and cost-effective agribusiness, entrepreneurship, and leadership programs and policies that address the root causes of youth unemployment, while increasing the opportunities young people have to obtain a decent job or start a successful business. GYIN focuses on empowering and developing young farmers and rural entrepreneurs to create an economic asset base network. It specifically builds and/or expands rural youth businesses, provides training, improves knowledge management and dissemination, links business activities, and develops resilient farm and non-farm enterprises designed to directly contribute to the reduction of rural poverty by generating incomes and creating decent work opportunities. We help build the capacity of youth, youth organizations, and local financial institutions to create employment opportunities for youth. Furthermore, we identify youth services gaps and deliver entrepreneurial experimental training programs and youth inclusive financial and non-financial products. Through the linking of youth knowledge creation and social venture creation we speed the conversion of ideas into market ready enterprises. Moreover, we help pair youth entrepreneurs and leaders across sectors and industries to promote the growth and success of youth enterprises and revitalize large corporations through partnerships with innovative community enterprises. GYIN improves the match between youth education and employment opportunities through apprenticeships and other education industry links, including new structures for schooling. We finally develop national strategies and conceive products and markets that build on local youth assets and attract new investments. VISION To create an enabling environment where young women and men innovate, channel their creativity, unlock their full potential to transform their communities through sustainable, socio-economic and cultural opportunities that guarantee a decent life for the next generation. MISSION To overcome poverty, fight hunger, and build healthy communities for young women and men through research, experimental learning, skill development, financial services, venture creation, and innovative enterprises. VALUES GYIN operates within the follow six core values referred to as ANTERS: number1Accountability : By telling the truth at all times, everyone becomes responsible for his/her actions or decisions. number2Network : We are all interconnected in a way that transcends any form of barrier in space and time. number3Trust : Our words and actions will be consistent and coherent with what we stand for and do at all times number4Empowerment : Reinforcing the strengths and eliminating the weaknesses of everyone thereby cascading into collective interests of all. number5Respect : Recognize and value the diversity a person by focusing on different strengths, ideas, talents, creativity, experiences and energy to achieve our mission. number6Self-reliant : Acknowledge and count everyone’s strengths as first order assets.
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