African Development Bank Group African Development Bank Group The African Development Bank Group – Fast Facts
Founded 1964
Constituent Institutions
The African Development Bank (ADB)
The African Development Fund (ADF)
The Nigeria Trust Fund (NTF)
54 African countries (regional member countries)
27 non-African countries (non-regional member countries)
Mission To promote sustainable economic growth and reduce poverty in Africa.
Authorized Capital at December 31, 2013 UA 66.98 billion
Subscribed Capital at December 31, 2013 UA 65.21 billion
Paid-up Capital at December 31, 2013 UA 4.96 billion
Callable capital as of December 31, 2013 (ADB) UA 60.25 billion
Total reserves as of December 31, 2013 (ADB) UA 2.86 billion
Approved Operations, 2013 317 operations totalling UA 4.39 billion, financed as follows:
ADB: UA 1.83 billion
ADF: UA 2.27 billion
NTF: UA 31.2 million
Special Funds: UA 253.4 million
Of which:
Loans: UA 2.86 billion (93 operations)
Grants: UA 697.0 million (114 operations)
HIPC: UA 22.3 million (2 operations)
Equity Participations: UA 99.5 million (10 operations)
Guarantees: UA 431.7 million (6 operations)
Loan Reallocation: UA 17.8 million (1 operation)
Special Funds: UA 253.4 million (91 operations)
Sector Approvals, 2013
Infrastructure: UA 2.05 billion (57.6 percent of total loans and grants)
Social: UA 334.8 million (9.4 percent)
Multisector: UA 449.2 million (12.6 percent )
Finance: UA 288.0 million (8.1 percent)
Agriculture and Rural Development: UA 428.7 million (12.0 percent)
Environment: UA 9.2 million (0.3 percent)
Urban development: UA 0.3 million (0.01 percent)
Total Cumulative Loan and Grant Approvals, 1967–2013 4,003 loans and grants totalling UA 67.22 billion