Calvert Foundation Calvert Foundation Calvert Foundation enables people to invest for social good. Through the Community Investment Note, we connect individual investors with organizations working around the globe, developing affordable housing, creating jobs, protecting the environment, and working in numerous other ways for the social good. Learn more about the issue areas our investors are addressing.
Calvert Foundation is a Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI), a type of financial institution providing community development financing and services to underserved communities in the US.
Growing the Impact Investment Economy
In addition to offering our flagship Community Investment Note, we've been building the impact investment economy through ImpactAssets and our wholly owned subsidiary Community Investment Partners.
ImpactAssets is a Donor Advised Fund that enables investors and philanthropists to manage their portfolios with equal regard for problem solving and profit.
Our wholly owned subsidiary Community Investment Partners helps institutional clients build and manage customized portfolios of impact investments.
Calvert Foundation Staff at a site visit in Baltimore
The Calvert Foundation team is dedicated to growing the impact investing movement by connecting investors to the causes they care about. We work with community organizations, investors, financial advisors, and other impact investing organizations to increase investments in the social good.