About AGRINATURA Association
AGRINATURA Association AGRINATURA Association Who are we?
AGRINATURA is association of major research and education stakeholders in Europe dealing with agricultural research and higher education for development.
AGRINATURA and its members place their ability to develop synergies and mobilise resources for accompanying projects from around the world. Their accumulated experience in international research and educational projects and the vast range of research areas is covered by its network.
AGRINATURA’s members are ready to share their expertise with you.
AGRINATURA is a grouping of European universities and research organizations with a common interest in supporting agricultural development in a sustainable manner in order to improve people’s lives. Agriculture will continue to be the largest sector in many developing countries for the foreseeable future and will remain a key determinant of wider economic growth, poverty reduction and food security. Agricultural research and education will underpin the innovations needed to increase production and productivity to feed rapidly expanding populations and help protect the natural resource base for future generations.
Member organizations in AGRINATURA are actively contributing to the development and dissemination of new knowledge that drives innovation. The Pan-European dimension of the grouping enables it to draw on a wide range of multi- and inter-disciplinary expertise and experiences both in Europe and elsewhere. AGRINATURA is a member of the European Forum of Agricultural Research for Development and implements selected programmes on its behalf. It works through strategic partnerships with agricultural research and development organizations and is especially active in sub-Saharan Africa where development needs are most evident. However, AGRINATURA recognizes the global nature of emerging agricultural issues, which affect Europe as well as other continents. Many of these issues are complex, such as the links between food and energy security, and require multi-sectoral solutions and inter-continental cooperation.
AGRINATURA brings its collective resources to address these challenges in partnership with its international collaborators. It seeks to nurture scientific excellence through joint research, educational and training programmes and projects. It also continues to advocate for greater support for agricultural research and educational programmes that contribute to the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals and the new agenda of Sustainable Development Goals. AGRINATURA envisages a world in which women are empowered to fulfil their potential and where innovation generates economic opportunities for young people to engage in agriculture and help to create sustainable rural communities.
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