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About Black Business List - BlackBusinessList.Com

BlackBusinessList.Com, Black Business List Black Business List - BlackBusinessList.Com Why Join BlackBusinessList.Com? There are many reasons why a business person or entrepreneur should join our organization. We are dedicated to helping minority business people start, maintain, and grow viable businesses. We not only have online opportunities to connect but we have started local chapters where our members can meet, learn, and network offline as well. WATCH OUR VIDEO BELOW. Be In Business For Yourself, Not By Yourself. Picture Many business owners and entrepreneurs feel as though they are different from the people around them. This because they really are! Entrepreneurs are a special breed of people. They understand that there are no rewards in life unless their is some risk involved. They are the movers and shakers in their social groups and they need to surround themselves with other people who think like they do. Our group is now being organized into local chapters where you will have the additional opportunity to network with like-minded professionals offline as well. Learn more about our Local Chapters. The Benefits Of Becoming A Member The following benefits outline the BlackBusinessList.Com BASIC Membership. Access To Our Members Only Section Of Our Website Members will be able to create an online profile where they can network and meet other members. Grow your network by meeting new people who have a strong interest in circulating dollars in the black community. Monthly Networking Events Members will be granted special discounted pricing on all local chapter's monthly networking events. Free Online Trainings and Classes Members will be granted free access to online trainings, webinars, and chats from business mentors, trainers, and business leaders. Mediation Services Members will receive mediation services from BlackBusinessList.Com. (We will try to intervene on your behalf if a customer/client is dissatisfied with a business transaction. (This will help protect your name, reputation, and business relationships while doing business within our network.) A Nationwide Network of Progressive Black Business Owners and Professionals It's hard for us to really quantify the value of being apart of a group of people who sincerely want to be successful and ALSO what YOU to be successful. Travel the country and meet like-minded people in different BBL Chapters. The rewards will be many.
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