About Migration Policy Centre
Migration Policy Centre, MPC Migration Policy Centre The Migration Policy Centre (MPC) produces advanced policy-oriented research on global migration, asylum and mobility to serve migration governance needs at European and global levels, from developing, implementing and monitoring migration-related policies to assessing their impact on the wider economy and society.
Migration links each individual country to the rest of the world in a rapidly evolving scenario. Therefore, the MPC pools worldwide scholars, experts, policymakers and influential thinkers, to identify problems, research their causes and consequences, and devise sound policy solutions on migration and related matters. In doing so, it bridges research with action, providing stakeholders with data, sources, methodologies and results required by evidence-based policy-making.
Research at the MPC is carried out within three main frameworks: observatories , which forge the Centre’s identity, core programmes and projects .
bout MPC observatories
CARIM-South (Migration in the Southern and Eastern Mediterranean)
CARIM-East (Migration in the post-Soviet space)
CARIM-India (India to EU Migration)
Gulf Labour Markets and Migration (Migration in Gulf Cooperation Council States)
About MPC core programmes
Migration in Europe in a period of economic crisis
Migration in the Arab world in a period of political change
About MPC current projects
INTERACT (Migrants’ integration in Europe)
CONTENTION (The control of detention) and REDIAL (Return Dialogue)
MISMES (Migrant support measures from an employment and skills perspective)
ETEM (External Thematic Expertise on Migration to the European Commission)
The MPC compiles statistics, legal provisions, and documents of IGOs and NGOs on migration in a series of databases, which cover extensively three main dimensions: demographic and economic; legal; and socio-political. The standardised templates are adopted to allow for the multidisciplinary study of migration in any given country as well as the comparison between countries.
The MPC offers advanced and specialised training in migration studies from a global and multidisciplinary perspective. With the Migration Summer School and the specialist training events held at the MPC as well as in countries relevant to its projects, the MPC targets professionals, administrators, researchers and PhD students.
Established in January 2012 upon the foundations of previous successful research projects, the MPC is co-financed by the European Union.
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