About Global Forum on Agricultural Research
Global Forum on Agricultural Research, GFAR Global Forum on Agricultural Research e need a revolution in agricultural research for development, to mobilize, reorient, strengthen and bring coherence to systems generating and sharing new knowledge around the world, to overcome systematic failings and efficiently lead to development outcomes for the poor:
The Global Forum on Agricultural Research (GFAR) provides this catalyst for change, the mechanism enabling all those concerned with the future of agriculture and its role in development around the world to come together and address key global needs. GFAR brings together their voices and collective actions through processes that are inclusive and equitable, fostering rapid actions and working to ensure agricultural innovation delivers its intended development impact.
To find out more about what we do see "Our Work".
Participants in GFAR seek to integrate research with the societies it aims to serve and put meeting the needs of farmers (in particular resource-poor farmers) and the poor at the very core of agricultural research and innovation systems. Jointly agreed actions are delivered directly through the organizations, networks and agencies involved in systems of agricultural innovation around the world. Those involved in GFAR cover the continuum from farmers and consumers to researchers, working to deliver developmental change and impacts through global, regional and thematic fora, networks and institutions. GFAR is an open and inclusive form, involving all those concerned with generating, sharing, transforming and using agricultural knowledge in public, academic, private and civil society institutions.
Each of these sectors are represented in this Global Forum and steer its activities. They include: Regional Fora (bringing together regional perspectives and actions) intergovernmental agencies, international research centers, farmers’ organizations, non-governmental organizations and private sector interests (through their own associations at regional and global scales), as well as development funding agencies. To find out more about GFAR main stakeholders see the links on the left.
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