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About Maps of Immigrants and Emigrants Around the World

Maps of Immigrants and Emigrants Around the World Maps of Immigrants and Emigrants Around the World Use our interactive maps to learn about international migration, including immigrant and emigrant populations by country and trends in global migration since 1960. To expand the map on the page, click on its title. Immigrant and Emigrant Populations by Country of Origin and Destination This map, based on the UN Population Division's mid-2013 estimates, displays the immigrant population in a given country by their origins and the emigrant population by their destinations. Use this map—which earned "Chart of the Week" status from Pew Research Center, and was referred to as "one addictive interactive map" by The New Republic—to learn, for example, how many Ukrainians live in Russia or Canadians in Mexico. International Migrant Population by Country of Destination, 1960-2013 The United States has historically been the world's largest immigrant receiving country, but in terms of share, a number of countries have more immigrants relative to their total population. Use this map to quickly overview international immigration trends over time. Total Immigrant and Emigrant Populations by Country This map is based on the UN Population Division's mid-2013 estimates for international migrant populations by country of origin and destination. The countries within the map are colored according to whether their international immigrant or emigrant populations were larger. Refugee and Asylum Seeker Populations by Country of Origin and Destination, 2000-12 Based on data from the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, this map shows countries of origin and destination for two population groups: refugees and asylum seekers for each year between 2000 and 2012. Use this map to learn the numbers of refugees or asylees from around the world who have settled in a particular country, or use it to learn in which countries refugees or asylees from a particular country are located. Largest Refugee Populations by Country of Destination, 1960-2013 Refugee populations are highly variable between decades, but a few countries stand out as regularly hosting large refugee communities. This map displays which countries report refugee populations greater than 500,000 in each decade since 1960 and in 2013. Furthermore, it lists the 25 largest refugee populations by the country of destination. Origins of Mexican Migrants to the United States by Mexican State of Residence, Number, and Share, 2004-2013 This interactive map shows the trend in Mexican migration to the United States by state of residence for each year between 2004 and 2013. Based on a survey of migration flows along Mexico’s northern border region, the map displays the annual number and share of Mexican migrants who are travelling to the United States and who do not have return itinerary.
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