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About Brains Network

Brains Network Brains Network The Brains Network was founded under the name of AfricanBrains in 2009 by managers who have been working in Africa and the Middle East for over 18 years. Since then, it has evolved and expanded the ?Brains? brand onto ArabBrains, ChineseBrains & AustralianBrains. The Brains Network is now regarded as a top source of education, innovation, ICT, science and technology news. This news is not only available via the websites but also through e-newsletters, RSS feeds and social media outlets. In addition, The Brains Network organises high-level summits bringing together government, business and civil society. This underlines the organisation?s overall aspiration to fulfil the need and opportunity for greater public private partnership in education, science and research across Africa, the Middle East and beyond.
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Diaspora Social Network, african diaspora, diasporaengager