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About Maytree

Maytree Maytree Our Mission Maytree is a private Canadian charitable foundation established in 1982, committed to reducing poverty and inequality in Canada and to building strong civic communities. Maytree seeks to accomplish its objectives by identifying, supporting and funding ideas, leaders and leading organizations that have the capacity to make change and advance the common good. Our Vision We view society’s toleration of poverty as a fundamental threat to stability in Canada and the rest of the world. Systemic poverty is an unjustifiable burden to millions of people, which results in paralyzing costs to society. It perpetuates a vicious cycle by limiting opportunity and repressing the human spirit. The correlation between poverty and most serious social problems is a stunning indictment of society’s continuing toleration of poverty. Maytree believes that poverty can be reduced through initiatives that create opportunities for people to break the poverty cycle. We also believe that progressive social policies play a significant role in alleviating poverty and supporting the common good. Maytree looks for ways to maximize the impact of its work. It focuses on empowering individuals, funding innovative ideas, supporting effective leaders and finding ways to achieve change and enhance the public good.
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