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About New Hope For Children

New Hope For Children New Hope For Children ODESSA ORPHANAGE PROJECT In October, 1999, the first cross cultural project team, sponsored by UAC Ukraine, visited orphanages in Odessa. These were huge institutions housing hundreds of homeless children (11,000 in Odessa alone). Caregivers, psychologists, teachers and medical personnel struggled to deal with severe shortages of food, medical supplies, education, residual problems from Chernobyl, and a depressed economy that could no longer support them leaving little hope for a future. Seeing the deprivation children lived with daily prompted a vision to develop ways that could help support the caregivers and to offer hope for these children who ask for nothing and need so much. That vision became a realty with the formation of the New Hope for HELP FOR HAITI New Hope for Children has established the Haiti Orphanage Building Fund in response to donors seeking a more personal, and immediate way to meet a specific and critical need. With the current devastation from the earthquake, the orphan population in Haiti is expected to more than triple. Funds received through this appeal will be designated specifically toward construction of an orphanage by a team of local professionals dedicating their efforts as volunteers to meet this urgent need. Your donation will be delivered personally to them, and used 100% to support the immediate building of the orphanage. If you would like to help us in this project, please make checks payable to New Hope for Children and note “Haiti Orphanage” on the check. New Hope for Children c/o Cross Cultural International Institute 740 Plympton Street New Milford, NJ 07646 New Hope for Children is a 501c3 non profit corporation dedicated to offering aid & relief for orphaned, displaced, and abandoned children in need, worldwide. Donations are tax deductible. Your help is very much appreciated.
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