About Federation for American Immigration Reform
Federation for American Immigration Reform, FAIR Federation for American Immigration Reform The Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) is a national, nonprofit, public-interest, membership organization of concerned citizens who share a common belief that our nation's immigration policies must be reformed to serve the national interest.
FAIR seeks to improve border security, to stop illegal immigration, and to promote immigration levels consistent with the national interest—more traditional rates of about 300,000 a year.
With more than 250,000 members and supporters nationwide, FAIR is a non-partisan group whose membership runs the gamut from liberal to conservative. Our grassroots networks help concerned citizens use their voices to speak up for effective, sensible immigration policies that work for America's best interests.
FAIR’s publications and research are used by academics and government officials in preparing new legislation. National and international media regularly turn to us to understand the latest immigration developments and to shed light on this complex subject. FAIR has been called to testify on immigration bills before Congress more than any organization in America.
Mission Statement
The mission of the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) is to examine immigration trends and effects, to educate the American people on the impacts of sustained high-volume immigration, and to discern, put forward, and advocate immigration policies that will best serve American environmental, societal, and economic interests today and into the future.
Our Purpose
Today's Immigration
Today the United States is receiving more immigrants than at any time in our history. Immigration has become an important issue because it affects virtually every aspect of life in America. With more than a million legal and illegal immigrants settling in the United States each year, immigration has an impact on education, health care, government budgets, employment, the environment, crime and countless other areas of American life. It is evident to most Americans that large-scale immigration is not serving the needs and interests of the country.
Our Response
FAIR advocates a temporary moratorium on all immigration except spouses and minor children of U.S. citizens and a limited number of refugees. A moratorium would allow us to hold a national debate and devise a comprehensive immigration reform strategy. A workable immigration policy is one that would allow us time to regain control of our borders and reduce overall levels of immigration to more traditional levels of about 300,000 a year.
FAIR believes America can and must have an immigration policy that is nondiscriminatory and is designed to serve the social, economic and environmental needs of our country. It is a policy that all recent polls show has the overwhelming support of the American public.
FAIR's Activism
Since it was founded in 1979, FAIR has been leading the call for immigration reform. Representatives of our organization are routinely interviewed by the major news networks, radio talk shows and the print media about all aspects of the immigration debate. FAIR is one of a growing group of reliable sources of information on this subject. Our research and publications are relied on by academics and government officials involved in formulating immigration policy. We testify regularly before Congress on all immigration-related legislation.
Along with a satellite office in Seattle and field representatives across the nation, FAIR activities include research, public education, media outreach, grassroots organizing, government relations, litigation and advocacy at the national, state and local levels.
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