About Women Empowered
Women Empowered Women Empowered MISSION STATEMENT
Women Empowered is an organization that connects, educates and supports women of all ages and backgrounds, and inspires them to give back to their communities through mentorship, networking, and volunteerism.
WE was founded by Shelly Ulaj in November 2008 which started out as a social group and became an official 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization two years later on December 18, 2010. WE is comprised of professional women based in Los Angeles, California and surrounding areas. Shelly initially began WE with the intention to connect and befriend other women, as well as to provide support and help empower women by building self-esteem and confidence. Coming from a predominantly male culture as an Albanian, WE helped Shelly find her voice as a woman whereby it inspired Shelly to help other women do the same.
WE now provides volunteer services to local women’s shelters, and mentorship of young women and girls through their e-mentoring program,
WE Mentor GTWT. WE also provides a variety of professional and personal development workshops and seminars for their members, as well as social
and professional networking opportunities through their member mixers.
Membership is open to women who are interested in women’s issues, volunteerism, mentoring, and networking. WE aims to empower, inspire,
and serve their community by combining philanthropy with socializing and networking with women of diverse cultures and backgrounds.
WE events take place monthly which include volunteer days, group mentoring activities with Girls Today Women Tomorrow (GTWT), personal and professional workshops, WE health days, member mixers, and more. Through our volunteer efforts, we aim to empower ourselves by helping others and thereby empowering them at the same time. Our social events are aimed to establish genuine friendships and connections amongst ourselves and network within the group. Most, if not all, social events carry the underlying theme of empowerment. Self-confidence in one’s self is key to obtaining success professionally and personally speaking. WE is here to boost and maintain those levels of self-confidence and each member is encouraged to contribute to each event in a meaningful way so that the group can benefit as a whole.
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