About Minority Development & Empowerment, Inc.
Minority Development & Empowerment Minority Development & Empowerment, Inc. Minority Development & Empowerment, Inc., MDEI,
is committed to providing quality services, referrals, and advocacy to the Caribbean immigrant population in Broward and Palm Beach Counties. Our primary objective is to ensure and facilitate access to meet our clients' health, social, economic, educational, and personal needs.
Who We are
Since 1996, Minority Development & Empowerment has been the leading agency and the “go to organization†to address and respond to the needs of the growing Caribbean population. According to the 2000 Census, the two largest ethnic groups moving into Broward County are Jamaicans, 17%, and Haitians, 15.8%. Palm Beach County has experienced similar shifts in their demographics. With the collaboration of our strategic partners, we are able to provide quality services, referrals and advocacy to meet our clients’ health, social, economic, educational and personal needs. We utilize a unique approach in assessing the needs our clients and believe that the services offered are vital to maintaining self-sufficiency and assuring a better quality of life for the community at-large.
Who Are Our Clients
Although most of the people we serve are from the Caribbean, we provide services to all individuals seeking human and social services. Our clients range in ages from 7-60 years old. During the past fiscal year, we provided direct services to more than 11,000 individuals and families.
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