About Ciencia Puerto Rico
Ciencia Puerto Rico, CienciaPR Ciencia Puerto Rico Who We Are
Ciencia Puerto Rico (CienciaPR) is a nonprofit organization composed of scientists, professionals, students and citizens committed to the advancement of science in Puerto Rico and with promoting science communication, science education, and scientific careers.
Our greatest resource is our extensive, diverse, and committed network of members and supporters who are united by a common passion and interest in science and Puerto Rico. Thanks to our members’ breadth and reach we have been able to implement a number of initiatives to promote and enhance science education and research in Puerto Rico.
Our Mission
Promote the development of scientific research in Puerto Rico; stimulating scientific collaborations that meet the needs of the people of Puerto Rico
Raise awareness about the importance of science in Puerto Rico and the role of our archipelago in the progress of scientific knowledge on a global scale
Serve as a tool for the formation of the next generations of Puerto Rican scientists
Our History
CienciaPR began as an initiative of the Council for the Advancement in Puerto Rico for Innovation and Scientific Research (CAPRI), a nonprofit organization interested in promoting research and development of the Puerto Rican archipelago. The idea was initially conceived by Daniel Colón Ramos in 2005 in response to the lack of an entity to unite Puerto Rican scientists and those interested in science and Puerto Rico. The first website was designed by David Craig in 2006. CienciaPR was incorporated and established as an independent nonprofit in 2010.
The CienciaPR.org portal was redesigned in 2012, thanks to a grant from the Puerto Rico Trust for Science, Technology and Research. It offers tools that enable collaboration, and the dissemination and exchange of ideas and scientific opportunities between people of different professional backgrounds and geographic locations interested in science and Puerto Rico. Within our website, you will find information and resources related to science, research and science education in the Puerto Rican archipelago.
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