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About Garifuna Reality in Livingston

Garifuna Reality in Livingston, Labuga Guatemala, Tomas Sanchez Garifuna Reality in Livingston History was made in early 2010 when Tomas Sanchez became the very first Garífuna in Guatemala to start blogging. If you are interested in learning about the Garífuna on a deeper level, Garifuna culture and spirituality beyond the tourists' vision, then here is where you need to be. Gain insight into the reality of the Garífunas in Livingston and feel free to leave comments. Wabuduha, Part III Wed. 2/9/15- It is 6:10 in the morning and for the most part a million things are going through my mind but it was an announcement we heard yesterday had kept me turning on our pillow last night. Amilcar Pop and his team could be visiting Labuga this coming Friday 4th 2015. We have reading this message and have decided to share with you. WABUDUHA Part III Fri. 12/6/15- It is 6:00 in the morning and getting ready to be in Gangadiwali today but due to the significance of this particular date we have decided to put the following message in writing before we leave. We have been thinking about the role of the brother of Alvaro Pop. Congressman Amilcar Pop is behind the unveilings of the actual president of the republic of Guatemala. Lately we have been stressing on two particular themes. One of which is Trouble Makers and the other is Freedom Fighters. Trouble Makers are brothers and sisters who can stand up for the rights of their people when the situation or circumstance require of it. We would like to know more about brothers like Congressman Amilcar Pop? Sat. 13/6/15- It is 6:07 in the morning and we are thinking about what unfolded in front of our eyes yesterday. We believe that what took place yesterday in Gangadiwali is a bright sign of hope. Coming in contact with two of the four mahogany trees that we brought from Dangriga on November 22nd 2014 was a good sign. We were able to find out that they are not far away from Sáwarawara and Lúbara Huya which are the other two mahogany trees. Brother Fermin and a group of six were already in Gangadiwali when we got there. We were informed by Bro. Fermin about the inauguration of the head-quarters for the political party TODOS for today. We hope to participate so we can learn more about the plans of this particular political party. The life of a Trouble Maker in this case, such as ours is more about a Cause. When it comes down to the Five year old question about the priority of the Garifuna People of Guatemala, now that we are only eighty three days from the elections we would like to make this an opportunity for the brothers and sisters to think about a proposal that will transcend time. A proposal from the Garifuna People and for the Garifuna People of the past, present, and future, it is the right time for us to institutionalize our struggle. The proposal to institutionalize our struggle will give us the power to have a horizontal relationship with any of the political parties. From our point of view it looks like the right time for us to continue with our proposal to institutionalize the struggle. Sun. 14/6/15- it is 5:59 in the morning and has been reading notes from the past, in this case, when Ruben Estrada visited the home of Brother Fermin for the first time on November 5th 2014. Then Ruben Estrada was aspiring to run as a candidate for the mayor of Labuga. Yesterday Brother Fermin officially accepted to be his runner up as the vice mayor for Labuga. Another note of the past was on May 29th 2015, when Wabuduha was revealed to us. It was fifteen days ago that Brother Fermin mentioned to us about his political intention. Today that same intention has taken a life of its own. Today Brother Fermin is a Garifuna Candidate in a Political Climate of this nature. Yesterday after the inauguration we were able to check our mails and had received a feedback from Brother Ruben Reyes from California. It was a feedback from Wabuduha which was revealed to us on the 29th May 2015. Which goes like this: “It is not called hope to place the responsibility of a Garifuna town on a city or government officials, it is called placing the eggs in the wrong basket. There is no historical account of any local government looking after Garifuna people. Why? Because the role of the government is to serve the interest of the municipal corporation which is owned by the state and govern by people who swear loyalty to its Bylaws or constitutions. Brother Tomas Sanchez, instead of suggesting that Garinagu limit their participation to their votes only, as president of ORGANIZACION NEGRA GUATEMALTECA this issue should be seriously discussed with the people's assembly in order to make a determination to place Garinagu as candidates and then vote for the most fit loyal Garifuna individual for the task. According to UNDRIP, please visit link for more information: "Article 18 Indigenous peoples have the right to participate in decision-making in matters which would affect their rights, through representatives chosen by themselves in accordance with their own procedures, as well as to maintain and develop their own indigenous decision- making institutions." I think it is time for Garinagu to demand that they govern their own affairs, not only in Labuga, Wadimalu (Guatemala) but also throughout our diaspora. Upon signing the UNDRIP declarations, governments have agreed to provide funds directly to Garinagu in their towns, villages or to the own form of government. "Article 4 Indigenous peoples, in exercising their right to self-determination, have the right to autonomy or self-government in matters relating to their internal and local affairs, as well as ways and means for financing their autonomous functions." This is not the time to beg to the wrong people and hope for the right results, in fact, this is the time that our spiritual leaders should ask the áhari of Barauda for advise. (I wonder what she would say). Mr President Tomas Sanchez (Lúbara Huya), please address the UNDRIP rights to lead our people. We are not alone. In Guatemala, they rely in your spiritual connectivity and those of brother Fermin Arzú and all our spiritual leaders to take our cause and demand our rights. Isn't Labuga considered a Garifuna Town? Isn't ONEGUA our leader organization in Labuga? Aren't you the President elected by the people? Then, let's bring results to the Garifuna table. It is a sacred duty Mr President. On the name of the people who for reasons they cannot express it to directly to you, hear this plight. Seremein, Ruben Reyes
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