About Bible Christian Society
Bible Christian Society Bible Christian Society The Bible Christian Society was founded in 1996 and was incorporated as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization in 2001. In 1998 we adopted our current mission statement which is: "To work towards the conversion of at least 50% of the Greater Birmingham area to Catholicism by the year 2038 (40 years)."
A comprehensive, 40-year plan of education and evangelization has been developed from that mission statement. The first step in that plan, was the Bible Christian Hour, a 1-hour weekly program of Catholic apologetics on the local Protestant radio station, which aired from February of 1998 to February of 1999.
But, the Bible Christian Society had no plans to stop there. We were instrumental in bringing Catholic radio to Birmingham in the Fall of 1999. And, even though the folks who bought the station were eventually unable to maintain it and had to sell it after 4 years, we are currently working with Queen of Heaven Radio, Inc. to bring Catholic radio back to Birmingham. And, we would like to bring Catholic radio not just back to Birmingham, but we are working towards a larger plan of blanketing Interstate 65 with Catholic Radio from the Tennessee border to the Gulf of Mexico.
The Society also sponsors parish seminars and workshops on apologetics here in Birmingham and many other locations throughout the country, and has distributed hundreds of thousands of CD's and cassette tapes in the last few years both locally and nationally, and even internationally. The Society's unique approach to apologetics makes it something that all Catholics, junior high age and up, can learn to do. The Society has also sponsored several Bible studies within the Birmingham area and we hope for even more in the future.
More of the Bible Christian Society's 40-year plan has come into being in the form of the Catholic Businessmen and Professionals Association, which was formed as a mechanism through which to evangelize Catholic leaders in the community.
On January 1, 2005, we reached our goal of making all of our apologetics materials (CD's and cassette tapes) free of charge. This has greatly increased the number of CD's and tapes we are shipping out. And, in 2006, we starting offering free mp3 downloads of all of our talks - tens of thousands have already been downloaded. We also hope to one day, in the not-too-distant future, offer all of all our talks in Spanish.
Other projects in the works: 1) The development of a retreat weekend which will focus on apologetics and Scripture study; 2) Mailing Catechisms of the Catholic Church to all the 2000+ non-Catholic pastors in the Birmingham area over the next couple of years, as funding allows; 3) A Bible "Boot Camp" for teens and young adults; 4) The development and distribution of tri-fold tracts on different apologetics topics; 5) The development of a course of study, tentatively entitled, "Apologetics for the Scripturally-Challenged," which will allow individuals or groups to easily become adept at using apologetics; 6) Translating all of our talks into Spanish.
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