About Rumi Forum
Rumi Forum , RumiForum Rumi Forum Rumi Forum was founded in 1999 with the mission to foster intercultural dialogue, stimulate thinking and exchange of opinions on supporting and fostering democracy and peace and to provide a common platform for education and information exchange. The Forum contributes to this ultimate aim by means of conferences, panel discussions, community engagement, luncheons, publications and other activities. In particular the forum has an interest in issues regarding pluralism, peace building and conflict resolution, intercultural and interfaith dialogue, social harmony and justice, civil rights and community cohesion.
The principal goal of the Rumi Forum is to promote peace in the world and contribute to a peaceful coexistence of the adherents of different faiths, cultures, ethnicities and races. For that to be achieved, we believe that everyone must be respectful to the environment and to all creatures’ right to exist, believe in the sanctity of human rights and democracy and use all means at hand to make this coexistence possible. To this end, we promote education, exchange of information, opinions and expertise, with a special focus on including as diverse a range of viewpoints as possible in our activities. Our modest contribution to this universal aim consists of conferences, seminars, panel discussions, common projects, scholarships, publications, meetings, trips and several other activities.
We have no one particular agenda and no inherent ideology, other than respect and genuine concern for the spiritual quality and welfare of life on this planet of ours.
We are a non-partisan organization; however, in principal, we support activities pertaining to the better service to humanity, such as promoting conflict resolution within and between nations. As such, we are committed to universal values of freedom, justice, democracy and the rights of all living beings.
Rumi Forum warmly welcomes everyone who wishes to work with us and supports the work of organizations and individuals in furthering peaceful relations, respect, and understanding between people of different faiths, beliefs and ideologies. We make efforts to be absolutely inclusive, and deny participation to no one.
We are open uniformly to adherents of all views and encourage a free exchange of opinions. We recognize and honor the specific differences that distinguish individuals and cultural groups, yet seek the common principles and values through which they can be harmonized.
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